I would like to have a function to refresh the desktop like pressing "F5" does. I found many codes with Sendmessage and ToggleDesktopIcons on/off but none worked for me like manual hit of "F5" does. I saw also some topics here, but all with non-working solutions for this matter. I am on Windows 7 64 Bit with IE 10 and use C# Net Framework 2.
I found also this code, but C# doesn't accept it, even if it seems to me as the right function. I dunno what I need to change here. I would expect that the IDE would tell me what is my mistake here or what I need to correct. Can someone please correct me this function or suggest another function which is compatible to C#.
procedure RefreshDesktop2;
hDesktop: HWND;
hDesktop := FindWindowEx(FindWindowEx(FindWindow('Progman', 'Program Manager'), 0,
'SHELLDLL_DefView', ''), 0, 'SysListView32', '');
PostMessage(hDesktop, WM_KEYDOWN, VK_F5, 0);
PostMessage(hDesktop, WM_KEYUP, VK_F5, 1 shl 31);
Question: How do I make the code above working in C# (translate in C#) or how looks a similar code in C# like. Refreshing the desktop with its icons/settings like by pressing "F5" on a selected desktop icon is my goal. Several codes which I tried in similar questions brought me no result.
OK, I don't really understand your code, in fact you have to find the exact window to send the
keypress to it so that it will refresh the desktop. Here is the c# code (tested and worked like a charm:)However I think there are still other choices for you to refresh the desktop programmatically, here is one of the links How to refresh the windows desktop programmatically (i.e. F5) from C#?