In db<>fiddle for Oracle 18c:
I've created a user-defined type (UDT) and a table that uses the type:
create or replace TYPE "MY_ST_GEOMETRY" Authid current_user AS object
(entity integer,numpts integer,minx float(64),
miny float(64),maxx float(64),maxy float(64),
minz float (64),maxz float(64),minm float(64),
maxm float(64),area float(64),len float(64),
srid integer,points blob,
constructor Function my_st_geometry(geom_str clob,srid number) Return self AS result deterministic,
constructor Function my_st_geometry(x number,
y number,
z number,
m number,
srid integer) Return self AS result deterministic) NOT final
create table polygons (
id int,
shape my_st_geometry
I want to insert a row into the table.
insert into polygons (id, shape ) VALUES (
my_st_geometry('polygon ((52 28,58 28,58 23,52 23,52 28))', 4326)
But I get an error:
ORA-04067: not executed, type body "FIDDLE_KVDCLIHQNZSONDPDJHLS.MY_ST_GEOMETRY" does not exist
ORA-06508: PL/SQL: could not find program unit being called: "FIDDLE_KVDCLIHQNZSONDPDJHLS.MY_ST_GEOMETRY"
ORA-06512: at line 1
I suspect I need to prefix the UDT with the user name. Since db<>fiddle generates a different user name each time I hit run, I believe I need to get the user name dynamically using a function.
Is there a function I can use to get the user -- so that I can prefix the UDT when inserting a row?
You need to pass the type into the constructor:
Then you need to create a body for the type that defines how you want to construct the type:
Then it "works" (note: you need to complete the constructors and define the logic that constructs the type).