I am following the docs to upsertMany
into my redux createSlice
I am following this part of the docs.
I keep getting this error in my upsertMany
call. Why is this?
Unhandled Rejection (TypeError): Cannot use 'in' operator to search for '525' in undefined
I have noticed that normalizr returns both entities
and result
objects, however, RTK only uses entities
. Where do we use the result
if we need to at all?
Here is my createSlice
const posts = new schema.Entity('actionPosts', {}, { idAttribute: 'id' })
export const fetchPosts = createAsyncThunk(
async (email) => {
const { data } = await getUserActionPostsByUser({ email })
const extractedPosts = data.userActionPostsByUser
const normalizedData = normalize(extractedPosts, [posts])
return normalizedData.entities
const adapter = createEntityAdapter({
sortComparer: (a, b) => b.createdAt.localeCompare(a.createdAt),
loading: '',
error: '',
const initialState = adapter.getInitialState()
const slice = createSlice({
name: 'actionPosts',
extraReducers: {
[fetchPosts.fulfilled]: (state, { payload }) => {
console.log('payload', payload.actionPosts)
adapter.upsertMany(state, payload.actionPosts) // error happens here
export default slice.reducer
Here is the normalized object
actionPosts: {
525: {
id: 525
email: "[email protected]"
content: "lorem ipsum"
createdAt: "2020-09-24T20:29:44.848Z"