i have a component which based upon props renders a form with different components.
class Feedback extends Component {
submitMyForm(data) {
const { onSubmit, reset } = this.props;
return onSubmit(data);
// do other success stuff
render() {
const { handleSubmit } = this.props;
let component;
if(this.props.data.feedbackType == "likert")
component = Likert;
else if(this.props.data.feedbackType == "single choice")
component = SingleChoice;
else if(this.props.data.feedbackType == "multiple choice")
component = MultipleChoice;
return (
<h1>Feedback zu Aufgabe {this.props.id}</h1>
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit(this.submitMyForm.bind(this))}>
<button type="submit">Submit</button>
// Decorate the form component
Feedback = reduxForm({
form: 'feedback', // a unique name for this form,
function validate(formProps) {
const errors = {};
if (!formProps.feedback) {
errors.feedback = 'please select an option';
return errors;
export default Feedback;
import React, { PropTypes } from 'react';
const SingleChoice = ({ input, disabled, heading, required, className, items, name, meta: { touched, error } }) => (
<fieldset className={`form__field ${className || ''}`}>
<legend className="form__label">
{heading}{required ? (<span>*</span>) : null}
{ (touched && error) ? (
<span className="form__error"> {error}</span>
) : null }
{ items.map((item, i) => (
<div className="form__segmented-control width-1/2@small" key={ i }>
name={ name }
value={ item.value }
disabled={ disabled }
className="segmented-control__input u-option-bg-current"
id={ `${name}-${item.value}` }
<label className="segmented-control__label u-adjacent-current" htmlFor={ `${name}-${item.value}` }>
SingleChoice.propTypes = {
input: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
name: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
className: PropTypes.string,
items: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.shape({
label: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
value: PropTypes.any.isRequired,
heading: PropTypes.string,
meta: PropTypes.object,
required: PropTypes.bool,
disabled: PropTypes.bool,
export default SingleChoice;
The first time the form renders everything is fine. All radio buttons are unchecked and if i try to submit it i get an validation error as intended. But when my Feeback component receives new props and the form is updated. The old values still remain selected when the form component for the new props is the same as the one for the old props.
When the form component for the new props is different all values are not selected as intended, but i can submit the form without selecting anything, which should be prevented by validation.
I hope you got any suggestions, i am totally out of ideas at this point.
I searched for hours trying to find a resolution to this problem. The best way I could fix it was by using the plugin() API to teach the redux-form reducer to respond to the action dispatched when your submission succeeds. Exactly like the first step here How can I clear my form after my submission succeeds?
You will have to change a couple things in your component.
In your actions file: