Redux devtools won't catch specific actions

826 views Asked by At

I'm loading it like that:

const store = createStore(
  composeEnhancers(applyMiddleware(createDebounce(), thunkMiddleware,

I've got the following action:

export const toggleCardLayersMenu = (index, value) => ({
  index: index,
  value: value,

Which I dispatch something to open a menu and something to close it.

Now, the chrome extension display the action with a small delay if the action is used to open the menu, and won't display the action at all if it's used to close the menu.

It occurs only with that specific action. What are the possible causes, and what can be done?

This is where I dispatch the action:

  onClick={ e => dispatches.toggleCardLayersMenu(e.currentTarget) }
  ><LayersIcon />
  anchorEl={ card.menuBtnElem }
  open={ card.isMenuOpen }
  onRequestClose={ () => dispatches.toggleCardLayersMenu(null) }
  style={ }

This is the dispatchToProps():

const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch, ownProps) => ({ dispatches: {
updateCardLayers(value) {
  dispatch(displayActions.updateCardLayers(ownProps.index, value));
toggleCardLayersMenu(value) {
  dispatch(displayActions.toggleCardLayersMenu(ownProps.index, value));

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