Reducing Complex DCGs Prolog

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How do I reduce a DCG rule like this dtv(P1^P2^P3^Q1) using apply(X^P,X,P)? I'm trying to describe the semantics of different grammatical components and I'm using lambda calculus. This is what I have for ditransitive verbs, however, the second apply function doesn't work and I wonder what I'm doing wrong.

   {apply(P,Y^Q3, P2)},

This is the full code below:

    % Apply function takes a lambda expression in the form X^P. It unifies X
    % in the first argument with the second argument to get a result P
    apply(X^P, X,P).

    % I converted the lambda symbol to ^ in order to make it consistent with
    % the prolog convention and also the library module on lambda.

    s(S) --> np(NP), vp(VP),
    {apply(VP, NP, S)}.%This applies NP and VP to get S

        {apply(Adj,X^P,Adjp)}.%This applies Adjective to noun to get an
    %   adjective Phrase

    np(NP) --> det(Det), noun(X^P), {apply(Det, X^P, NP)}.%Applies Determiner and Noun to get NounPhrase
    np(NP) --> pn(NP).

    np(NP)-->det(Det), adjp(Adjp),
        {apply(Det,Adjp,NP)}.%This applies determiner to adjective phrase to get a Noun Phrase

    pp(PP)-->prep(Prep),np(NP),%prepositional phrase
    mp(MP)--> dtv(DTV),np(NP),
        {apply(DTV,NP,MP)}.%This applies ditransitive verb
    %noun phrase to get a modal phrase.

    vp(VP)--> tv(TV), np(NP),
        {apply(TV, NP, VP)}.%This applies transitive verb, noun phrase
    %   to get a verb phrase.

    vp(VP)--> modal(M),np(NP),
        {apply(M, NP, VP)}.%This applies modal (to be) to an adjective to get a verb phrase.

    vp(VP)--> mp(MP),pp(PP),
        {apply(MP,PP,VP)}.%This applies ditransitive verb,
    %noun phrase to get a verb phrase.

    vp(VP) --> iv(VP).






    %Problem spot

    {apply(P2^P3,Y^Q3, P)},


There are 1 answers

false On

So, let me start with a recommendation: Read at least Chapter 4 of Prolog and Natural-Language Analysis, pdf. It covers exactly what you look at — with the exception that apply/3 is called reduce/3. This apply/3 is a bit of a formalistic way to explain things, that is parameter passing. It seems that, for many examples you mixed it up a bit.

As a first step consider this part of your program:


s(S) --> np(NP), vp(VP), {apply(VP, NP, S)}.

This corresponds1 to:

s(S) --> np(NP), vp(NP^S).

So effectively, there is no need to use apply/3 - it's a nice device, but finally, above notation is even more compact, as it uses less variables.

I recommend you clean up your code, I found it very hard to read.

Footnotes you can safely ignore
1 Actually, the correspondence is a declarative only, the transformation might improve (= change) termination of vp//1.