Is it possible to return data requested with RETURN keyword as a regular response? So, when I run usual query, like
FT.SEARCH :index 'query'
I get response like
- "$"
- json_document ("{"pk":"1:1:1466","updated_at":"2023-09-22 14:23:29.138198",...}")
When I run query with RETURN
FT.SEARCH :index 'query' RETURN 6 '$.foo' AS 'foo' '$.bar' AS 'bar'
I get
- "foo"
- "1"
- "bar"
- "2"
I'd like to get response here as json document '{"foo": "1", "bar": "2"}'. Is it possible?
There is some unpleasant behaviour in Redis-Python-OM lib when I'm trying to insert RETURN into query, because of that response format.