I am using the below code to connect with the Redis server. I am seeing huge connections are on the TIME_WAIT state. What could be wrong ?
root@ubuntu:~$ netstat | grep :6479 | grep TIME_WAIT |wc -l
root@ubuntu:~$ netstat | grep :6479 | grep ESTABLISHED |wc -l
I thought of closing the connection once the operation is done with Redis server using the below code. But I am getting the error with this.
def disconnectRedisConnection(r_server):
if r_server is not None and r_server:
I am getting the below error,
AttributeError: 'Redis' object has no attribute 'connection'
Any thoughts on the huge TIME_WAIT connections / Closing the connection once the operation is done with Redis ? Code:
import threading
from time import sleep
import time, datetime
import traceback
import json
import os
import MySQLdb
import redis
# Static methods to interact with the Redis cache server
class CacheUtil(object):
# Log Errors
def log_message(msg):
log_file = None
log_file = open (os.path.abspath(CACHE_CONST.REDIS_LOG_FILE), "a")
if (log_file):
message = time.strftime("%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S")
message += " :: " + str(msg)
log_file.write(message + "\n")
def saveToCache(hashName, hashValue):
r_server = CacheUtil.getRedisConnection()
r_server.hmset(hashName, hashValue)
def getTrackerDetailsByID(trackerId):
trackerDetail = None
r_server = None
hashName = "tDetails:" + str(trackerId)
if trackerId is not None:
print("getTrackerDetailsByID ")
r_server = CacheUtil.getRedisConnection()
trackerDetail = r_server.hgetall(hashName)
CacheUtil.log_message("getDetailsByID failed with empty trackerId ")
CacheUtil.log_message("getDetailsByID failed, ll fetch from DB " + str(traceback.format_exc()))
return trackerDetail
def getRedisConnection():
print("Get Redis Connection on Util ")
r_server = redis.Redis(host=CACHE_CONST.REDIS_SERVER_URL, port=CACHE_CONST.REDIS_SERVER_PORT, db=0, password=CACHE_CONST.REDIS_PASS_PHRASE, socket_connect_timeout=2, socket_timeout=2)
return r_server;
def disconnectRedisConnection(r_server):
if r_server is not None and r_server:
Actually, when you call the
, it will create "client" for you which has a connection pool, not just a connection.Each time you send a command like redis.set() or something other, it will retrieve a connection from its connection pool, and use this connection to send this command and wait for reply. when the request has done, it put back the connection to connection pool for reusing. so you do not need to manage the connection yourself. check out this https://github.com/andymccurdy/redis-py for more infos.
Just like this:
Every time you use redis instance send command, it will call this method:
Any thoughts on the huge TIME_WAIT connections / Closing the connection once the operation is done with Redis
This is an image about TCP conection termination process. when the client(Initiator) send ACK for server(Reciever) FIN, and it enters into the Time_WAIT status.
The words quoted from TCP/IP illustrated vol 1:
So it will be in TIME_WAIT state for four minutes, after that, it will close the connection automatically. Because you open new tcp connection and close it frequently, then many closed connection will be in TIME_WAIT status.
Also There is a more detailed article about the purpose about TIME_WAIT