Redirect to the Caller Action in ASP.NET MVC3

1.8k views Asked by At

Assume we have an action like:

public ActionResult Display(long Id){

  //Do something

return RedirectToAction(//To the Caller)


So Display action called by some Views, like:

Index View : @Html.ActionLink("Show", "Display", new { [email protected] } )

So I need in Display: return RedirectToAction("Index")


Edit View : @Html.ActionLink("Show", "Display", new { [email protected] } )

I need in Display: return RedirectToAction("Edit")

and so on.

How can we find which action call Display and in the end of the action returned to the caller action? what is your suggestion?


There are 3 answers


How about passing one more parameter along with id in the ActionLink method?

@Html.ActionLink("Show", "Display", new { [email protected] ,from="Edit"} )


@Html.ActionLink("Show", "Display", new { [email protected] ,from="Index"} )

and in your action method, accept that as well

public ActionResult Display(long Id,string from)

  //Not 100 % sure what you want to do with the from variable value.
   return RedirectToAction(from);
danludwig On

If you don't want to pass a variable to the redirecting action method, you could also check the Request.UrlReferrer and use that instead.

public ActionResult Display(long Id){

    var caller = Request.UrlReferrer != null 
        ? Request.UrlReferrer : "DefaultRedirect";

    // do something

    return Redirect(caller);
Fabio Milheiro On

You could use a returnUrl parameter.

On the caller:

@Html.ActionLink("Show", "Display", new { returnUrl = this.Url.PathAndQuery })

and your Display action all you have to do is redirecting to the returnUrl:


This is flexible enough for any other case you might have in the future.