record audio, store on Firebase, and play audio | Flutter - Firebase

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I aimed to record audio, save it to Firebase storage, and then retrieve and play it on the Home Screen. To accomplish this, I followed these steps.

For Upload file :

Future<String> storeAudio(String recordFilePath) async {
  String downloadURL = "failed";
  File audioFile = File(recordFilePath);
  Reference reference = FirebaseStorage.instance

  try {
    SettableMetadata metadata = SettableMetadata(contentType: 'audio/mpeg');
    await reference.putFile(audioFile, metadata);
    downloadURL = await reference.getDownloadURL();
    print("Upload complete, File URL: $downloadURL");
  } on FirebaseException catch (e) {
    print("Failed to upload audio: ${e.message}");
  } catch (e) {
    print("An unexpected error occurred: $e");

  return downloadURL;

It saves like this:

enter image description here

Download URL of audio : this

Now, I tried to play in Home Screen using audioplayers: ^5.1.0 flutter package

Play Audio :

AudioPlayer audioPlayer = AudioPlayer();

It shows erorr -

[ERROR:flutter/runtime/] Unhandled Exception: PlatformException(AndroidAudioError, Failed to set source. For troubleshooting, see:, MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN {what:1}, MEDIA_ERROR_SYSTEM, null)

But, It works properly on another URLs like this ""

What's the wrong?


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