Reconstruct symmetric matrix from values in long-form

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I have a tsv that looks like this (long-form):

  one   two   value
  a     b     30
  a     c     40
  a     d     20
  b     c     10
  b     d     05
  c     d     30

I'm trying to get this into a dataframe for R (or pandas)

    a  b  c  d 
a   00 30 40 20
b   30 00 10 05 
c   40 10 00 30
d   20 05 30 00

The problem is, in my tsv I only have a, b defined and not b,a. So I get a lot of NAs in my dataframe.

The final goal is to get a distance matrix to use in clustering. Any help would be appreciated.


There are 6 answers

user20650 On BEST ANSWER

An igraph solution where you read in the dataframe, with the value assumed as edge weights. You can then convert this to an adjacency matrix

dat <- read.table(header=T, text=" one   two   value
  a     b     30
  a     c     40
  a     d     20
  b     c     10
  b     d     05
  c     d     30")


# Make undirected so that graph matrix will be symmetric
g <-, directed=FALSE)

# add value as a weight attribute
get.adjacency(g, attr="value", sparse=FALSE)
#   a  b  c  d
#a  0 30 40 20
#b 30  0 10  5
#c 40 10  0 30
#d 20  5 30  0
Jeff Bezos On

The trusty for loop can sometimes be the most intuitive:

# Simulate data.
df <- data.frame(one = c("a", "a", "a", "b", "b", "c"), 
                 two = c("b", "c", "d", "c", "d", "d"), 
                 value = c(30, 40, 20, 10, 5, 30))

# Initialize matrix.
cols <- unique(c(df_long$one, df_long$two))
mat <- matrix(nrow = length(cols), ncol = length(cols),
              dimnames = list(cols, cols))

# Populate matrix.
for(i in seq(nrow(df))) {
    mat[df$one[i], df$two[i]] <- df$value[i]
    mat[df$two[i], df$one[i]] <- df$value[i]
diag(mat) <- 0
ThomasIsCoding On

With base R, you can try xtabs like below

    value ~ .,
        setNames(df, names(df)[c(2, 1, 3)])

which gives

one  a  b  c  d
  a  0 30 40 20
  b 30  0 10  5
  c 40 10  0 30
  d 20  5 30  0
Robert On

Make sure your data is sorted tsv=tsv[with(tsv,order(one,two)),], and try this:

B <- matrix(rep(0,n*n), n)
dimnames(B) <- list(letters[1:n],letters[1:n])
B[lower.tri(B)] <- tsv$value
smci On

Yet another approach is reshape::cast

df.long = data.frame(one=c('a','a','a','b','b','c'),
                     value=c(30,40,20,10,05,30) )

# cast will recover the upper/lower-triangles...
df <- as.matrix( cast(df.long, one ~ two, fill=0) )
#    b  c  d
# a 30 40 20
# b  0 10  5
# c  0  0 30

So we construct matrix with full indices, and insert:

df <- matrix(nrow=length(indices), ncol=length(indices),dimnames = list(indices,indices))    
diag(df) <- 0
# once we assure that the full upper-triangle is present and in sorted order (as Robert's answer does), then we
df[upper.tri(df)] <- as.matrix( cast(df.long, one ~ two, fill=0) )
df[lower.tri(df)] <- df[upper.tri(df)]

UPDATE: the original sketch included these manual kludges

Then the same approaches to add the missing row 'd' and column 'a', and fill the lower triangle by adding the transpose t(df) :

df <- cbind(a=rep(0,4), rbind(df, d=rep(0,3)))
#   a  b  c  d
# a 0 30 40 20
# b 0  0 10  5
# c 0  0  0 30
# d 0  0  0  0

df + t(df)
#    a  b  c  d
# a  0 30 40 20
# b 30  0 10  5
# c 40 10  0 30
# d 20  5 30  0
akrun On

You may try

 un1 <- unique(unlist(df1[1:2]))
 df1[1:2] <- lapply(df1[1:2], factor, levels=un1)
 m1 <- xtabs(value~one+two, df1)
 #    two
 #one  a  b  c  d
 #a    0 30 40 20
 #b   30  0 10  5
 #c   40 10  0 30
 #d   20  5 30  0

Or you use the row/col index

  m1 <- matrix(0, nrow=length(un1), ncol=length(un1),
                              dimnames=list(un1, un1))
  m1[cbind(match(df1$one, rownames(m1)), 
               match(df1$two, colnames(m1)))] <- df1$value
  #   a  b  c  d
  #a  0 30 40 20
  #b 30  0 10  5
  #c 40 10  0 30
  #d 20  5 30  0