Has anyone been experiencing problems with reconciliation in OpenRefine? I've imported a list of American universities and colleges, selected 50 rows, and tried Freebase, DBpedia, OpenCorporates reconciliation services. I've previously had multiple successes with DBpedia (for colleges and universities), but right now, none of these are working. (I went through every service listed, too.) I've trimmed leading and trailing spaces, checked for duplicates, etc. Things were working fine only about two months ago, and I have not updated OpenRefine during that time. [UPDATED]: I was able to get one reconciliation service to work, but not with the ontology I want. So either I'm forgetting some key bit of info, or the services that reconciliation university/ college names no longer function.
Reconciliation services for OpenRefine not working?
1.5k views Asked by ultrageek AtThere are 3 answers

The OpenCorporates Refine service (https://opencorporates.com/reconcile) is currently working, but note you need to use https - http did work at some point in the past but no longer.
Using the RDF Refine extension (http://refine.deri.ie) and trying a SPARQL based reconciliation against DBPedia I'm finding problems at the moment, but using the same approach for other SPARQL services I have no problems. I don't know what the underlying cause for this is, but it seems likely this is due to some issue or change at DBPedia rather than OpenRefine or the RDF Refine extension.
Any more information about how you are setting up the Reconciliation services and any extensions you are using might help in further diagnosis

At the moment there exists a possibility to create "database" (actually, owl\rdf ontology) and operation json for reconcilliation "on-the-fly" from OpenRefine facets and operation json. Please refer to https://stdgont.uk.to for details.
I have been having the same problem with reconciliation using the RDF extension and DBpedia.org. However, if you try some other service (e.g., your local file or Spanish DBpedia (http://es.dbpedia.org/sparql)) it works very well.
Like Owen already mentioned, it is likely that the it is due to DBpedia. Looks like the problem is with XML 1.1. and the recent update of DBpedia.org, take a look here https://github.com/openlink/virtuoso-opensource/issues/405 If you see OpenRefine log file or the console, this is exactly the same exception that we get when doing reconciliation against the DBpedia.org.
Hopes this give you some idea.