The question: How can I use a custom iPhone home screen icon while securing my website with .htaccess?
The setup:
- PHP PaaS
- Rudimentary password protection using .htaccess and .htpasswd
- Simple website built using Wikitten
The problem: I would like to see my custom "apple-touch-icon" when I put a bookmark of my website onto my iPhone home screen using the "Add to Home Screen" function in mobile Safari. Unfortunately, when I enable "require valid-user" in the .htaccess file, the iPhone does not see the icon and instead uses a generic image. When I disable password protection in .htaccess, the icon is recognized, but I really need some sort of password protection and I hope to continue using the current method.
Any help is appreciated; thanks,
Do not protect the whole site, but all that is in a directory (Even if almost all of the site).
This way, you can show a home page, with explanations for those wishing to access the site. And apple-touch-icon...