I want to receive data from a scanner through a serial port. My scanner is connected to a EPT (Electronic Paiment Terminal) on COM0.
The scanner seems to work fine, I can detect barcodes and QrCodes but nothing is received on serial PORT. Every scanner I tried ended with the same result, but I managed to receive data from other devices.
Is there any specificities about that kind of devices ?
On EPT side, serial port is formated as the scanner dialog (115200, 8, N, 1 with no flow control) I can receive data from the scanner to a computer and from computer to the EPT.
I have tried with two different scanner: - HoneyWell 3310G - Posline PS-75
I work on a IWL250 and a IUC180B. Both are EPT made by INGENICO. Both react in the same way.
On EPT, I have to use a C API given by the constructor of the machine.
Below my test code :
if(stdcom0() == 0)
hCom0 = Telium_Fopen("COM0", "rw");
hCom0 = stdcom0();
Telium_Format("COM0", 115200, 8, 1, NO_PARITY, EVEN, 0);
Telium_Send_receive(hCom0, ON, ON);
iRet = Telium_Ttestall(COM0, 0);
iRet = Telium_Ttestall(COM0, 0);
j = Telium_Fread(&test[i++], 1, 1, hCom0);
}while(j > 0);
With every devices except the scanner i have, Telium_Ttestall detect an event on COM0 and I can read data in &test.
Thanks in advance
We have solved the issue. The wire we were using was not made correctly. Sorry for disturbing.
Best Regards,