I am making an Android app that needs to have the phone reboot or turn off when a button is clicked. Is this possible? Or will the phone require root access?
Reboot the phone on a button click
20.3k views Asked by IntelSoftApps At
There are 3 answers

I did this in my app by calling the method below.
Notes: 1. Make sure the phone is rooted 2. Allow the app in your root manager to automatically grant root permission.
void reboot() {
if (reboot) {
try {
Process proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(new String[]{"/system/bin/su", "-c", "reboot"});
} catch (Exception ex) {
Log.e(TAG, "Error ", ex);
You can do that using
. Functionreboot(String reason)
is available, you need permission:Official site:
Of course, you are likely to get that permission only if your application is signed with the system signing key:
How to compile Android Application with system permissions