Rebind Mapbox popups after filtering

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I've built a Mapbox map that has a fairly involved custom popup structure, including photos and formatting. I'm using a .csv file and omnivore to feed my data, and creating the popup .on ready. I've also got a search box that searches the data using jQuery.

Independently, each one works. The popups load fine, and the search is working. But after filtering using the search thing, I lose the popups.

I've looked at this similar post but nothing suggested seems to be working. I think this has to do with my popup variable being contained inside of the .on ready function. Is there something I'm missing here? Do I need to restructure how the popups are created?

Here's my code:

var featureLayer = L.mapbox.featureLayer().addTo(map);


Load data, format popups:

var csvLayer = omnivore.csv('Stats.csv', null, L.mapbox.featureLayer())
    .on('ready', function() {

        map.fitBounds(csvLayer.getBounds(), {paddingTopLeft: [0,25]});

 function updownFormat(updown, change){
            if (updown === '—') {
                return "No change ";
            } else if (updown === "N/A") {
                return "New store - no data ";
            } else if (updown === '▲') {
                return '<span class="upPercent">' + updown + "</span> " + change;
            } else {
                return '<span class="downPercent">' + updown + "</span> " + change;

        csvLayer.eachLayer(function(layer) {
            var prop =
            var popup = '<div class="popup"><h3>'+ prop.storename +'<\/h3>' +
            '<h4>'+ +'</h4>' +
            '<p><b>Rank:</b> #'+ prop.rank +' (of 80 stores) <br>' +
            '<b>Sales: </b>' + prop.money14 +' (2014)<br>' + 
            '<b>Growth: </b>' + updownFormat(prop.updown, prop.change) + ' (from 2013)</p>' +
            '<h5>Best selling bottles (2014)</h5>' + 
            '<img src="'+ prop.pop1img +'" class="liquorimg">' +



The search function:

function search() {
    // get the value of the search input field
    var searchString = jQuery('#search').val().toLowerCase();


    function showStoreTown(feature) {
            .indexOf(searchString) !== -1;

There are 1 answers

suoz On

Fixed, thanks to Twitter! Setting map bounds on "ready" and setting the popup creation on "addlayer" took care of it.