Realm Object Server error

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Pre-Condition: before changing to https everything worked smoothly.

After successfully login to Realm Server.

When I try to create a new entity I keep getting the following error : Sync: Connection[1]: WebSocket::read_http_message_line() Sync: Connection[1]: Websocket: http_line = HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols Sync: Connection[1]: WebSocket::read_http_message_line() Sync: Connection[1]: Websocket: http_line = upgrade: websocket Sync: Connection[1]: WebSocket::read_http_message_line() Sync: Connection[1]: Websocket: http_line = connection: Upgrade Sync: Connection[1]: WebSocket::read_http_message_line() Sync: Connection[1]: Websocket: http_line = sec-websocket-accept: ZoPQVRYX/stlDEtEXDfNdZrkbg8= Sync: Connection[1]: WebSocket::read_http_message_line() Sync: Connection[1]: Websocket: http_line = sec-websocket-protocol: io.realm.protocol Sync: Connection[1]: WebSocket::read_http_message_line() Sync: Connection[1]: Websocket: http_line = Sync: Connection[1]: WebSocket::handle_http_response_received() Sync: Connection[1]: Sending: CLIENT(protocol_version=15, client_info_size=2) Sync: Connection[1]: WebSocket::frame_reader_loop() Sync: Connection[1]: stage_init Sync: Connection[1]: WebSocket: frame_reader.read_size = 2 Sync: Connection[1]: Session[1]: Sending: BIND(server_path='/e50e728d9ed228cac9dfaf9da5e7a265/userRealm', signed_user_token_size=597, need_file_ident_pair=1) Sync: Connection[1]: handle_write_output_buffer Sync: Connection[1]: WebSocket::frame_reader_loop() Sync: Connection[1]: stage_header_beginning Sync: Connection[1]: WebSocket: frame_reader.read_size = 56 Sync: Connection[1]: WebSocket::frame_reader_loop() Sync: Connection[1]: stage_payload Sync: Connection[1]: websocket message received: error 203 39 0 1 Bad user authentication (BIND, REFRESH) Sync: Connection[1]: message_type = error Sync: Connection[1]: Received: ERROR(error_code=203, message_size=39, try_again=0, session_ident=1) Sync: Connection[1]: Connection closed due to error reported by server: Bad user authentication (BIND, REFRESH) (203) Sync: Connection[1]: Reconnecting in 19655 milliseconds Sync: Closing Realm file: /Users/pippo/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/A04D4CE0-E711-440A-95F3-019360DC9333/data/Containers/Data/Application/C2ECFB54-F28E-472F-A0FB-024039FB1E1A/Documents/realm-object-server/e50e728d9ed228cac9dfaf9da5e7a265/ *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'RLMException', reason: 'Cannot set a sync configuration which has an errored-out user.'

After disabling the https it still does not work. Is it related??

Can anyone elaborate on the error?

Thank you


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