Reading XML with numbers formatted with opposite decimal character (period/comma) in .NET

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My VB.NET app is importing a XML file generated by a 3rd-party website into a SQL Server table. The website (and my computer) use the period character for decimals (e.g. 42.015) and everything works great. But a European user reported that numbers imported were being multiplied by a factor of 1000 or 10000. It turns out that his computer is looking for a comma decimal (e.g. 42,015) and when it sees the XML input it converts it to 42015.00.

I'm using DataSet.ReadXML and SqlBulkCopy.WriteToServer and I'm not sure where I can step in to tell the program to expect period decimals. My code is below:

    Dim ds As New DataSet
        ds.ReadXml(tempfile, 0)
    Catch ex As XmlException
        Log($"Error reading XML: {ex.Message} with {ex.Data}")
        Exit Sub
    End Try
    Dim columnMap As New Dictionary(Of String, String) From {
        {"LOTID", "InventoryID"},
        {"ITEMTYPE", "ItemType"},
        {"ITEMID", "ItemNum"},
        {"COLOR", "ColorID"},
        {"CONDITION", "Cond"},
        {"REMARKS", "LocationName"},
        {"QTY", "Qty"},
        {"DESCRIPTION", "Description"},
        {"SUBCONDITION", "Completeness"},
        {"SALE", "Discount"},
        {"STOCKROOM", "Stockroom"},
        {"BULK", "Bulk"},
        {"BUYERUSERNAME", "Reserve"},
        {"PRICE", "Price"}
    Using conn = New SqlConnection(GetDBConnectionString)
        Using sbc As New SqlBulkCopy(conn)
            DoSql(conn, "TRUNCATE TABLE dbo.Online_Inventories;")
            For Each column As DataColumn In ds.Tables("ITEM").Columns
                If columnMap.ContainsKey(column.ColumnName) Then
                      sbc.ColumnMappings.Add(column.ColumnName, columnMap(column.ColumnName))
                End If
            sbc.DestinationTableName = "Online_Inventories"
        End Using
    End Using

The XML imported looks like this:

      <DATEADDED>9/20/2020 3:02:00 PM</DATEADDED>

So in this example, after the third line (ds.ReadXml), ds("Price")="11.7563", a string After the line sbc.WriteToServer, the value of dbo.Online_Inventories.Price is 117563.0 (actually an error in this case because Price is a NUMERIC(9,4))

How do I get .net to read periods as decimals when the user's home culture uses commas as decimals? Thanks!


There are 1 answers


The default thread CultureInfo is based on the running machine's set culture. Default string parsing will use the default CultureInfo. You can change the thread CultureInfo to use the InvariantCulture (basically en-US) while executing the code you posted. The InvariantCulture uses a period(.) for the decimal mark.

Dim currentCulture As CultureInfo = Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture
Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture
' ***
' insert your code here
' ***
Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = currentCulture