I have a question about f90 as title says.
I have many .dat
files (say 15 files each with 2 columns and 2000 rows) that i need to work with.
I need to save all the data in a unique matrix (that will have 30 columns and 2000 rows).
But when I use the instruction READ(21,*) MATRIX
during execution it says
Fortran runtime error: End of file
I think it's because the dimension of the matrix is different from the dimension of the single data file. Is there a way to make it work? And is it possible to open all the data files maybe in a DO cycle w/o repeating the OPEN statement a large number of times?
Here is the code
program expected
OPEN (unit=20, status='OLD', file='PRINT_07.CSV', form='FORMATTED')
OPEN (unit=21, status='OLD', file='PRINT_08.CSV', form='FORMATTED')
OPEN (unit=22, status='OLD', file='PRINT_09.CSV', form='FORMATTED')
OPEN (unit=23, status='OLD', file='PRINT_10.CSV', form='FORMATTED')
OPEN (unit=24, status='OLD', file='PRINT_11.CSV', form='FORMATTED')
OPEN (unit=25, status='OLD', file='PRINT_12.CSV', form='FORMATTED')
OPEN (unit=26, status='OLD', file='PRINT_13.CSV', form='FORMATTED')
OPEN (unit=27, status='OLD', file='PRINT_14.CSV', form='FORMATTED')
OPEN (unit=28, status='OLD', file='PRINT_15.CSV', form='FORMATTED')
OPEN (unit=29, status='OLD', file='PRINT_16.CSV', form='FORMATTED')
OPEN (unit=30, status='OLD', file='PRINT_17.CSV', form='FORMATTED')
OPEN (unit=31, status='OLD', file='PRINT_18.CSV', form='FORMATTED')
OPEN (unit=32, status='OLD', file='PRINT_19.CSV', form='FORMATTED')
OPEN (unit=33, status='OLD', file='PRINT_20.CSV', form='FORMATTED')
OPEN (unit=34, status='OLD', file='PRINT_21.CSV', form='FORMATTED')
ALLOCATE ( dati(30,2000) )
READ(20,*) dati
end program
In a simpler program i've solved the data importing in this way. But i still have the problem of opening multiple data files at once.
program mats
OPEN (UNIT=21, STATUS='OLD', file='mat1.dat', form='FORMATTED')
OPEN (UNIT=22, STATUS='OLD', file='mat2.dat', form='FORMATTED')
OPEN (UNIT=23, STATUS='UNKNOWN', file='mat.dat', form='FORMATTED')
DO i=1,2
OPEN (UNIT=20+i, STATUS='OLD', file= 'mat'i'.dat', form='FORMATTED')
ALLOCATE ( mat(5,2) )
PRINT*, mat
READ(21,*) mat(1:3,1:2)
READ(22,*) mat(4:5,1:2)
PRINT*, mat
end program
Here's a sketch to give you a concept on how to deal with multiple files in a more elegant manner. It's not exactly a solution to your problem nor tested -- it shows some concepts.