Reading emulated NFC tag (pn71501) using IDTronic Evo HF or ACS ACR1252U

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I have a device that is emulating nfc tag using pn71501 chip. I don't know how exactly code works in that device but what I definitely know this chip can emulate tag using only ISO14443 standard. So both my readers can read this type of tags but by some reason I can read from this device is UID, nothing else. As I know reading memory from tag with ISO 14443 requires block authentication but it doesn't help for me. For reading tags using IDtronic EVO HF I use software downloaded from here: For ACS ACR1252U I tried many different apps including my own apps and none of them could read it. Interesting fact is that android and ios devices can read it.


There are 1 answers

Andrew On

If you look at the datasheet for that chip it says "PN7150 does not support a complete card protocol. This has to be handled by the host controller"

So the chip itself might not be doing any more than than ISO 14443 A-3 and B-2 parts which really only includes the Anticollision and UID and then storing/transmitting data is handled by the host controller using the higher level protocol parts.

Also the free software you get with card readers tend to be very basic and just reads the UID for inventory purposes, you have to write your own software if you want to do more with these readers and they usually like the ACR1252U have a datasheet on how to do this.

So the question is what is the host controller attached to the NCF chip doing and software it is running?

Update based on comments

I would assume that host controller does implement one of the higher level protocols for a Type 3 or 4 Tag (most likely Type 4)

The you just need to write a program for the USB readers to correctly issue the right commands to read the right type 3 or 4 Tag.

As noted the Android (or Iphone) "Taginfo" App from NXP implements reading using the Type 3 and 4 protocols, so this should tell you what the Tag is behaving as and the you can write the software for the USB readers to match.

Type 3 and 4 specifications