I need to figure out how to modify this code so that I can read this data on a text file named "TSP_6.txt". It's a TSP problem using Ant Colony Optimization This is the format I'm using:TSP_6.txt.
nbr_destinations 6
430 105
488 93
186 124
151 226
367 403
179 460
And this is my current code, the code three classes, the main: "main.py"
import math
from aco import ACO, Graph
from plot import plot
def distance(city1: dict, city2: dict):
return math.sqrt((city1['x'] - city2['x']) ** 2 + (city1['y'] - city2['y']) ** 2)
def main():
cities = []
points = []
with open('./data/chn31.txt') as f:
for line in f.readlines():
city = line.split(' ')
cities.append(dict(index=int(city[0]), x=int(city[1]), y=int(city[2])))
points.append((int(city[1]), int(city[2])))
cost_matrix = []
rank = len(cities)
for i in range(rank):
row = []
for j in range(rank):
row.append(distance(cities[i], cities[j]))
aco = ACO(10, 100, 1.0, 10.0, 0.5, 10, 2)
graph = Graph(cost_matrix, rank)
path, cost = aco.solve(graph)
print('cost: {}, path: {}'.format(cost, path))
plot(points, path)
if __name__ == '__main__':
And the Ant Colony Optimization class: "aco.py"
import random
class Graph(object):
def __init__(self, cost_matrix: list, rank: int):
:param cost_matrix:
:param rank: rank of the cost matrix
self.matrix = cost_matrix
self.rank = rank
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
self.pheromone = [[1 / (rank * rank) for j in range(rank)] for i in range(rank)]
class ACO(object):
def __init__(self, ant_count: int, generations: int, alpha: float, beta: float, rho: float, q: int,
strategy: int):
:param ant_count:
:param generations:
:param alpha: relative importance of pheromone
:param beta: relative importance of heuristic information
:param rho: pheromone residual coefficient
:param q: pheromone intensity
:param strategy: pheromone update strategy. 0 - ant-cycle, 1 - ant-quality, 2 - ant-density
self.Q = q
self.rho = rho
self.beta = beta
self.alpha = alpha
self.ant_count = ant_count
self.generations = generations
self.update_strategy = strategy
def _update_pheromone(self, graph: Graph, ants: list):
for i, row in enumerate(graph.pheromone):
for j, col in enumerate(row):
graph.pheromone[i][j] *= self.rho
for ant in ants:
graph.pheromone[i][j] += ant.pheromone_delta[i][j]
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
def solve(self, graph: Graph):
:param graph:
best_cost = float('inf')
best_solution = []
for gen in range(self.generations):
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
ants = [_Ant(self, graph) for i in range(self.ant_count)]
for ant in ants:
for i in range(graph.rank - 1):
ant.total_cost += graph.matrix[ant.tabu[-1]][ant.tabu[0]]
if ant.total_cost < best_cost:
best_cost = ant.total_cost
best_solution = [] + ant.tabu
# update pheromone
self._update_pheromone(graph, ants)
# print('generation #{}, best cost: {}, path: {}'.format(gen, best_cost, best_solution))
return best_solution, best_cost
class _Ant(object):
def __init__(self, aco: ACO, graph: Graph):
self.colony = aco
self.graph = graph
self.total_cost = 0.0
self.tabu = [] # tabu list
self.pheromone_delta = [] # the local increase of pheromone
self.allowed = [i for i in range(graph.rank)] # nodes which are allowed for the next selection
self.eta = [[0 if i == j else 1 / graph.matrix[i][j] for j in range(graph.rank)] for i in
range(graph.rank)] # heuristic information
start = random.randint(0, graph.rank - 1) # start from any node
self.current = start
def _select_next(self):
denominator = 0
for i in self.allowed:
denominator += self.graph.pheromone[self.current][i] ** self.colony.alpha * self.eta[self.current][
i] ** self.colony.beta
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
probabilities = [0 for i in range(self.graph.rank)] # probabilities for moving to a node in the next step
for i in range(self.graph.rank):
self.allowed.index(i) # test if allowed list contains i
probabilities[i] = self.graph.pheromone[self.current][i] ** self.colony.alpha * \
self.eta[self.current][i] ** self.colony.beta / denominator
except ValueError:
pass # do nothing
# select next node by probability roulette
selected = 0
rand = random.random()
for i, probability in enumerate(probabilities):
rand -= probability
if rand <= 0:
selected = i
self.total_cost += self.graph.matrix[self.current][selected]
self.current = selected
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
def _update_pheromone_delta(self):
self.pheromone_delta = [[0 for j in range(self.graph.rank)] for i in range(self.graph.rank)]
for _ in range(1, len(self.tabu)):
i = self.tabu[_ - 1]
j = self.tabu[_]
if self.colony.update_strategy == 1: # ant-quality system
self.pheromone_delta[i][j] = self.colony.Q
elif self.colony.update_strategy == 2: # ant-density system
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
self.pheromone_delta[i][j] = self.colony.Q / self.graph.matrix[i][j]
else: # ant-cycle system
self.pheromone_delta[i][j] = self.colony.Q / self.total_cost
And finally the plot class: "plot.py"
import operator
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def plot(points, path: list):
x = []
y = []
for point in points:
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
y = list(map(operator.sub, [max(y) for i in range(len(points))], y))
plt.plot(x, y, 'co')
for _ in range(1, len(path)):
i = path[_ - 1]
j = path[_]
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
plt.arrow(x[i], y[i], x[j] - x[i], y[j] - y[i], color='r', length_includes_head=True)
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
plt.xlim(0, max(x) * 1.1)
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
plt.ylim(0, max(y) * 1.1)
The input file can be slightly modified as it only needs the coordinates. There is no need to have the
header. If you still want them, you can easily extent the conditional inside the for loop to read/check for them. The code below does not assume this lines. For example:The code below stores the
in a variable that can be used to initialise the index of the city. Also your code can be slightly modified to read the coordinate values: