I'm trying to learn the functions in the Irvine library. Right now, I am trying to create a simple code which asks for a string to be entered, and then is supposed to print it out along with a message.
Not really sure where I went wrong. All I know is that when I run the following code, it accepts the input, prints it out again on the following line (without the first character), and then prints it again fully on the line after that.
It also totally ignores enteredStringDisplay.
Any hints in where
INCLUDE Irvine32.inc
enterString BYTE "Please enter the string to print: ", 0
enteredString BYTE ?
enteredStringDisplay BYTE "You entered: ", 0
main proc
mov edx, offset enterString
call WriteString
mov ecx,32
mov edx,offset enteredString
call ReadString
mov edx, offset enteredStringDisplay
call WriteString
call crlf
mov edx, offset enteredString
call WriteString
call crlf
main endp
end main