I'm trying to save into a single file String + Image + String + Image ...
and then read it in the same order. The images are PNG! I managed to save the file so I'm more concerned about the reading part. Am I supposed to use a combination of BinaryRead/Writers
and PngBitmapDecoders
Although I am working on and WPF applicaton I found that most convenient for me is to use the WinForms'es Image.Save()
method like so:
pictureBox.Image.Save(fs, Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);
After this line I tested to BinaryWrite
a simple text and another image, and my Hex Reader says everything's O.K.
Now I need to figure out a way to read it. I tried System.Drawing.Image.FromStream()
and PngBitmapDecoder()
but they fail..
Any ideas? Thanks in advance!