In an CSV
file with python we can read all the file line by line or row by row , I want to read specific line (line number 24 example ) without reading all the file and all the lines.
read specific line in csv file , python
8.3k views Asked by user3967257 At
There are 2 answers

Alternatively you can leverage the nrows
and skiprows
argument in pandas
line_number = 30
pd.read_csv('big.csv.gz', sep = "\t", nrows = 1, skiprows = line_number - 1)
remember skiprows
can be a list so if you need the header use
pd.read_csv('big.csv.gz', sep = "\t", nrows = 1, skiprows = list(range(1, line_number - 1)))
You can use linecache.getline:
linecache.getline(filename, lineno[, module_globals])
Or use the consume recipe from itertools to move the pointer: