I'm trying to read a pajek partition file (In other words, it is a .clu file) with NetworkX python library and I can't figure out how can I do that. I can read a pajek network (.net format) using the read_pajek method, but I did't find a way to read the .clu files.
Thanks a lot!
A .clu file follows this format:
and so on until all NUMBER_OF_VERTICES are defined into a partition
Reading the community detection algorithms from networkx (https://networkx.github.io/documentation/stable/reference/algorithms/community.html) the preferred format in networkx is a iterable (i.e. a list or tuple) grouping the vertices number in each partition, for example:
That would mean that the first partition is composed of vertices 0,1,2,3 and 4.
So, reading a .clu file is the task of converting the file into that structure.
I picked up the read_pajek function at https://networkx.github.io/documentation/networkx-1.10/_modules/networkx/readwrite/pajek.html#read_pajek and transformed it into a working read_pajek_clu function (you need to import defaultdict from collections).
You can check a working example at the repository:
Also, once you have the partition, it's a good start to use something like this idea from Paul Broderson to draw it:
how to draw communities with networkx
I hope this helps!