Read Nested XML in C# with no XSLT file

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I have an XML file with 3-4 levels deep of nested children. Some of the children have either a missing element or an extra element. I am struggling with automating reading the xml x children deep and also creating the appropriate flat delimited records to match the parent item. I am using VS 2015 and C# in a winform application and the end result of the file is that they record structure needs to be the same for all the items regardless of any missing or blank elements. Below is my button click event along with a sampling of the data I am dealing with. Note ITEM 1 has 1 Zoning Node, ITEM 2 has 2 Zoning Nodes and ITEM 3 has 0 Zoning Nodes. The result throws off my column Counts in the delimited file for when I bring it into EXCEL for example.

        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string sDelimiter = "";
            string sNodeName = "";
            string sChildNodeName = "";
            switch (uicmbDelimiter.Text)
                case "TAB":
                    sDelimiter = "\t";
                case "PIPE":
                    sDelimiter = "|";
                case "COMMA":
                    sDelimiter = ",";
                    sDelimiter = ",";

            string csvstring = "";
            StreamWriter csv = new StreamWriter(this.uitxtXMLFile.Text + ".out");

            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
            XmlNamespaceManager nsmgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(doc.NameTable);
            nsmgr.AddNamespace("ab", "");
            XmlNodeList nodelist = doc.SelectNodes("//ab:Item", nsmgr);
            foreach (XmlNode xnfields in nodelist)
                foreach (XmlNode childnode in xnfields.ChildNodes)
                    if (childnode.ChildNodes.Count > 1)
                        foreach (XmlNode children in childnode.ChildNodes)
                            csvstring +=children.LocalName + sDelimiter;
                        csvstring += childnode.LocalName + sDelimiter;
                csvstring = "";
            csvstring = "";

            foreach (XmlNode xn in nodelist)
                foreach (XmlNode childnode in xn.ChildNodes)
                    if (childnode.ChildNodes.Count > 1)
                        foreach (XmlNode children in childnode.ChildNodes)
                            if ((sChildNodeName != children.LocalName) && sChildNodeName !="" )
                                csvstring += sDelimiter + children.InnerText;
                                csvstring += children.InnerText;
                            sChildNodeName = children.LocalName;
                        csvstring += childnode.InnerText;
                    if ((sNodeName != childnode.LocalName))
                        csvstring += sDelimiter;
                    sNodeName = childnode.LocalName;
                csvstring = "";
                sNodeName = "";
                sChildNodeName = "";

        catch (Exception ex)



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<CountyRolls xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="">
        <Legal>FRAC NE1/4 OF NE1/4</Legal>
            <AddressLine1>N4929 COUNTY ROAD J</AddressLine1>
              <LastName>AXELSEN IRREVOCABLE LIVING TRUST</LastName>
                <AddressLine1>N4929 COUNTY ROAD J</AddressLine1>
              <LastName>AXELSEN IRREVOCABLE LIVING TRUST</LastName>
                <AddressLine1>N4929 COUNTY ROAD J</AddressLine1>
          <AddressLine1>JACKPOT AVE</AddressLine1>
          <CountyName>32 La Crosse</CountyName>
          <MuniName>Town of Bangor</MuniName>
          <SpecialAssessmentDesc>No special charge applies to parcel.</SpecialAssessmentDesc>
        <Zoning>CONDITIONAL ZONING            </Zoning>
        <Legal>CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. 64 VOL 7 LOT 1 DOC NO. 1159544</Legal>
            <AddressLine1>N4746 COUNTY ROAD J</AddressLine1>
              <FirstName>SCOTT R</FirstName>
                <AddressLine1>N4746 COUNTY ROAD J</AddressLine1>
              <FirstName>SUSAN T</FirstName>
          <AddressLine1>N4746 COUNTY ROAD J</AddressLine1>
          <CountyName>32 La Crosse</CountyName>
          <MuniName>Town of Bangor</MuniName>
          <SpecialAssessmentDesc>No special charge applies to parcel.</SpecialAssessmentDesc>
        <Legal>SE1/4 FRAC NE1/4</Legal>
            <AddressLine1>230 21ST ST S</AddressLine1>
            <City>LA CROSSE</City>
              <FirstName>GALEN W</FirstName>
                <AddressLine1>230 21ST ST S</AddressLine1>
                <City>LA CROSSE</City>
          <AddressLine1>COUNTY ROAD J</AddressLine1>
          <CountyName>32 La Crosse</CountyName>
          <MuniName>Town of Bangor</MuniName>
          <SpecialAssessmentDesc>No special charge applies to parcel.</SpecialAssessmentDesc>


There are 2 answers


xml linq handles null values better. See code below

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Linq;

namespace ConsoleApplication1
    class Program
        const string FILENAME = @"c:\temp\test.xml";
        static void Main(string[] args)
            XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(FILENAME);
            XElement countyRolls = (XElement)doc.FirstNode;
            XNamespace ns = countyRolls.GetDefaultNamespace();

            var results = countyRolls.Elements(ns + "Municipality").Select(x => new {
                municipalityNumber = (string)x.Element(ns + "MunicipalityNumber"),
                items = x.Elements(ns + "Item").Select(y => new {
                   recordNumber = (int)y.Element(ns + "RecordNumber"),
                   propertyInfo = y.Elements(ns + "PropertyInfo").Select(z => new {
                      localID1 = (string)z.Element(ns + "LocalID1"),
                      localID2 = (string)z.Element(ns + "LocalID2"),
                      zoning = z.Elements(ns + "Zoning").Select(a => (string)a).ToArray(),
                      town = (string)z.Element(ns + "Town"),
                      range = (string)z.Element(ns + "Range"),
                      rangeDirection = (string)z.Element(ns + "RangeDirection"),
                      section = (string)z.Element(ns + "Section"),
                      quarter40 = (string)z.Element(ns + "Quarter40"),
                      quarter160 = (string)z.Element(ns + "Quarter160"),
                      legal = (string)z.Element(ns + "Legal"),
                      recordingDocuments = z.Elements(ns + "RecordingDocuments").Select(a => new {
                           book = (int)a.Element(ns + "Book"),
                           page = (int)a.Element(ns + "Page"),
                           documentNumber = (int)a.Element(ns + "DocumentNumber")
                   ownerAndAddressInfo = y.Elements(ns + "OwnerAndAddressInfo").Select(z => new { 
                       mailingAddress = z.Descendants(ns + "USAddress").Select(a => new {
                           addressLine1 = (string)a.Element(ns + "AddressLine1"),
                           city = (string)a.Element(ns + "City"),
                           state = (string)a.Element(ns + "State"),
                           zipCode = (string)a.Element(ns + "ZIPCode"),
                       owners = z.Elements(ns + "Owner").Select(a => new {
                           firstName = (string)a.Descendants(ns + "FirstName").FirstOrDefault(),
                           lastName = (string)a.Descendants(ns + "LastName").FirstOrDefault(),
                           addressLine1 = (string)a.Descendants(ns + "AddressLine1").FirstOrDefault(),
                           city = (string)a.Descendants(ns + "City").FirstOrDefault(),
                           state = (string)a.Descendants(ns + "State").FirstOrDefault(),
                           zipCode = (string)a.Descendants(ns + "ZIPCode").FirstOrDefault(),
                       siteAddress = z.Elements(ns + "SiteAddress").Select(a => new {
                           addressLine1 = (string)a.Descendants(ns + "AddressLine1").FirstOrDefault(),
                           city = (string)a.Descendants(ns + "City").FirstOrDefault(),
                           state = (string)a.Descendants(ns + "State").FirstOrDefault(),
                           zipCode = (string)a.Descendants(ns + "ZIPCode").FirstOrDefault(),
                   realProperty = y.Descendants(ns + "RealProperty").Select(z => new {
                       class4 = z.Elements(ns + "Class4").Select(a => new {
                          acres = (decimal)a.Element(ns + "Acres"),
                          landValue = (int)a.Element(ns + "LandValue"),
                          improvementsValue = (int)a.Element(ns + "ImprovementsValue")
                       class5m = z.Elements(ns + "Class5M").Select(a => new {
                          acres = (decimal)a.Element(ns + "Acres"),
                          landValue = (int)a.Element(ns + "LandValue"),
                          improvementsValue = (int)a.Element(ns + "ImprovementsValue")
                       classTotal = z.Elements(ns + "ClassTotal").Select(a => new {
                          acres = (decimal)a.Element(ns + "Acres"),
                          landValue = (int)a.Element(ns + "LandValue"),
                          improvementsValue = (int)a.Element(ns + "ImprovementsValue")
                   jurisdictionInfo = y.Elements(ns + "JurisdictionInfo").Select(z => new {
                       county = z.Elements(ns + "County").Select(a => new {
                           countName = (string)a.Element(ns + "CountyName"),
                           countRate = (string)a.Element(ns + "CountyRate"),
                           countTax = (string)a.Element(ns + "CountyTax")
                       municipality = z.Elements(ns + "Municipality").Select(a => new {
                           muniName = (string)a.Element(ns + "MuniName"),
                           muniNumber = (string)a.Element(ns + "MuniNumber"),
                           municipalRate = (string)a.Element(ns + "MunicipalRate"),
                           municipalTax = (string)a.Element(ns + "MunicipalTax")
                       school = z.Elements(ns + "School").Select(a => new {
                           code = (string)a.Element(ns + "Code"),
                           rate = (string)a.Element(ns + "Rate"),
                           tax = (string)a.Element(ns + "Tax")
                       tech = z.Elements(ns + "Tech").Select(a => new {
                           code = (string)a.Element(ns + "Code"),
                           rate = (string)a.Element(ns + "Rate"),
                           tax = (string)a.Element(ns + "Tax")
                   taxSummary = y.Elements(ns + "TaxSummary").Select(z => new {
                       landTaxableTotal = (int)z.Element(ns + "LandTaxableTotal"),
                       improvementsTaxableTotal = (int)z.Element(ns + "ImprovementsTaxableTotal"),
                       totalTaxableValue = (int)z.Element(ns + "TotalTaxableValue"),
                       estimatedFairMarketValue = (int)z.Element(ns + "EstimatedFairMarketValue"),
                       stateTax = (decimal)z.Element(ns + "StateTax"),
                       occupationalTax = (int)z.Element(ns + "OccupationalTax"),
                       forestTaxable = (int)z.Element(ns + "ForestTaxable"),
                       bORValue = (int)z.Element(ns + "BORValue"),
                       privateForestCropTax = (decimal)z.Element(ns + "PrivateForestCropTax"),
                       managedForestLawTax = (decimal)z.Element(ns + "ManagedForestLawTax"),
                       taxTotal = (decimal)z.Element(ns + "TaxTotal"),
                       schoolCredit = (decimal)z.Element(ns + "SchoolCredit"),
                       lotteryCredit = (decimal)z.Element(ns + "LotteryCredit"),
                       firstDollarCredit = (decimal)z.Element(ns + "FirstDollarCredit"),
                       specialAssessmentDesc = (string)z.Descendants(ns + "SpecialAssessmentDesc").FirstOrDefault(),
                       specialAssessmentCharge = (decimal)z.Descendants(ns + "SpecialAssessmentCharge").FirstOrDefault(),
                       delinquentUtilityCharges = (int)z.Element(ns + "DelinquentUtilityCharges"),
                       netTax= (decimal)z.Element(ns + "NetTax"),
                       payment = (decimal)z.Element(ns + "Payment"),
                       amountDue = (decimal)z.Element(ns + "AmountDue")
                chargebacks = x.Element(ns + "Chargebacks").Descendants(ns + "Total").Select(y => y == null ? 0 : (int)y).FirstOrDefault()
uwdoug79 On

Below is the sample of the completed working code:

    private void uicmdLocate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        OpenFileDialog myFile = new OpenFileDialog();
        myFile.Title = "Locate XML File";
        myFile.Filter = "XML Files|*.xml";
        if (myFile.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
            this.uitxtXMLFile.Text = myFile.FileName;


    private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

            if (this.uitxtXMLFile.Text == "")
                throw new Exception("You must select an XML file to convert!");
            string sDelimeter = "";
            string sExtension = "";
            switch (uicmbDelimiter.Text)
                case "TAB":
                    sDelimeter = "\t";
                    sExtension = ".txt";
                case "PIPE":
                    sDelimeter = "|";
                    sExtension = ".txt";
                case "COMMA":
                    sDelimeter = ",";
                    sExtension = ".csv";
                    sDelimeter = "\t";
                    sExtension = ".txt";

            StreamWriter csv = new StreamWriter(this.uitxtXMLFile.Text.Replace(".xml",sExtension));
            string csvstring = "";
            XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(this.uitxtXMLFile.Text);
            XElement countyRolls = (XElement)doc.FirstNode;
            XNamespace ns = countyRolls.GetDefaultNamespace();

            var results = countyRolls.Elements(ns + "Municipality").Select(x => new {
                municipalityNumber = (string)x.Element(ns + "MunicipalityNumber"),
                items = x.Elements(ns + "Item").Select(y => new {
                    recordNumber = (int)y.Element(ns + "RecordNumber"),
                    propertyInfo = y.Elements(ns + "PropertyInfo").Select(z => new {
                        localID1 = (string)z.Element(ns + "LocalID1"),
                        localID2 = (string)z.Element(ns + "LocalID2"),
                        zoning = z.Elements(ns + "Zoning").Select(a => (string)a).ToArray(),
                        town = (string)z.Element(ns + "Town"),
                        range = (string)z.Element(ns + "Range"),
                        rangeDirection = (string)z.Element(ns + "RangeDirection"),
                        section = (string)z.Element(ns + "Section"),
                        quarter40 = (string)z.Element(ns + "Quarter40"),
                        quarter160 = (string)z.Element(ns + "Quarter160"),
                        legal = (string)z.Element(ns + "Legal"),
                        recordingDocuments = z.Elements(ns + "RecordingDocuments").Select(a => new {
                            book = (int)a.Element(ns + "Book"),
                            page = (int)a.Element(ns + "Page"),
                            documentNumber = (int)a.Element(ns + "DocumentNumber")
                    ownerAndAddressInfo = y.Elements(ns + "OwnerAndAddressInfo").Select(z => new {
                        mailingAddress = z.Descendants(ns + "USAddress").Select(a => new {
                            addressLine1 = (string)a.Element(ns + "AddressLine1"),
                            city = (string)a.Element(ns + "City"),
                            state = (string)a.Element(ns + "State"),
                            zipCode = (string)a.Element(ns + "ZIPCode"),
                        owners = z.Elements(ns + "Owner").Select(a => new {
                            firstName = (string)a.Descendants(ns + "FirstName").FirstOrDefault(),
                            lastName = (string)a.Descendants(ns + "LastName").FirstOrDefault(),
                            businessNameLine1 = (string)a.Descendants(ns + "BusinessNameLine1").FirstOrDefault(),
                            addressLine1 = (string)a.Descendants(ns + "AddressLine1").FirstOrDefault(),
                            city = (string)a.Descendants(ns + "City").FirstOrDefault(),
                            state = (string)a.Descendants(ns + "State").FirstOrDefault(),
                            zipCode = (string)a.Descendants(ns + "ZIPCode").FirstOrDefault(),
                        siteAddress = z.Elements(ns + "SiteAddress").Select(a => new {
                            addressLine1 = (string)a.Descendants(ns + "AddressLine1").FirstOrDefault(),
                            city = (string)a.Descendants(ns + "City").FirstOrDefault(),
                            state = (string)a.Descendants(ns + "State").FirstOrDefault(),
                            zipCode = (string)a.Descendants(ns + "ZIPCode").FirstOrDefault(),
                    realProperty = y.Descendants(ns + "RealProperty").Select(z => new {
                        class4 = z.Elements(ns + "Class4").Select(a => new {
                            acres = (decimal)a.Element(ns + "Acres"),
                            landValue = (int)a.Element(ns + "LandValue"),
                            improvementsValue = (int)a.Element(ns + "ImprovementsValue")
                        class5m = z.Elements(ns + "Class5M").Select(a => new {
                            acres = (decimal)a.Element(ns + "Acres"),
                            landValue = (int)a.Element(ns + "LandValue"),
                            improvementsValue = (int)a.Element(ns + "ImprovementsValue")
                        classTotal = z.Elements(ns + "ClassTotal").Select(a => new {
                            acres = (decimal)a.Element(ns + "Acres"),
                            landValue = (int)a.Element(ns + "LandValue"),
                            improvementsValue = (int)a.Element(ns + "ImprovementsValue")
                    jurisdictionInfo = y.Elements(ns + "JurisdictionInfo").Select(z => new {
                        county = z.Elements(ns + "County").Select(a => new {
                            countName = (string)a.Element(ns + "CountyName"),
                            countRate = (string)a.Element(ns + "CountyRate"),
                            countTax = (string)a.Element(ns + "CountyTax")
                        municipality = z.Elements(ns + "Municipality").Select(a => new {
                            muniName = (string)a.Element(ns + "MuniName"),
                            muniNumber = (string)a.Element(ns + "MuniNumber"),
                            municipalRate = (string)a.Element(ns + "MunicipalRate"),
                            municipalTax = (string)a.Element(ns + "MunicipalTax")
                        school = z.Elements(ns + "School").Select(a => new {
                            code = (string)a.Element(ns + "Code"),
                            rate = (string)a.Element(ns + "Rate"),
                            tax = (string)a.Element(ns + "Tax")
                        tech = z.Elements(ns + "Tech").Select(a => new {
                            code = (string)a.Element(ns + "Code"),
                            rate = (string)a.Element(ns + "Rate"),
                            tax = (string)a.Element(ns + "Tax")
                    taxSummary = y.Elements(ns + "TaxSummary").Select(z => new
                        landTaxableTotal = (int)z.Element(ns + "LandTaxableTotal"),
                        improvementsTaxableTotal = (int)z.Element(ns + "ImprovementsTaxableTotal"),
                        totalTaxableValue = (int)z.Element(ns + "TotalTaxableValue"),
                        estimatedFairMarketValue = (int)z.Element(ns + "EstimatedFairMarketValue"),
                        stateTax = (decimal)z.Element(ns + "StateTax"),
                        occupationalTax = (int)z.Element(ns + "OccupationalTax"),
                        forestTaxable = (int)z.Element(ns + "ForestTaxable"),
                        bORValue = (int)z.Element(ns + "BORValue"),
                        privateForestCropTax = (decimal)z.Element(ns + "PrivateForestCropTax"),
                        managedForestLawTax = (decimal)z.Element(ns + "ManagedForestLawTax"),
                        taxTotal = (decimal)z.Element(ns + "TaxTotal"),
                        schoolCredit = (decimal)z.Element(ns + "SchoolCredit"),
                        lotteryCredit = (decimal)z.Element(ns + "LotteryCredit"),
                        firstDollarCredit = (decimal)z.Element(ns + "FirstDollarCredit"),
                        specialAssessmentDesc = (string)z.Descendants(ns + "SpecialAssessmentDesc").FirstOrDefault(),
                        specialAssessmentCharge = (decimal)z.Descendants(ns + "SpecialAssessmentCharge").FirstOrDefault(),
                        delinquentUtilityCharges = (decimal)z.Element(ns + "DelinquentUtilityCharges"),
                        netTax = (decimal)z.Element(ns + "NetTax"),
                        payment = (decimal)z.Element(ns + "Payment"),
                        amountDue = (decimal)z.Element(ns + "AmountDue"),
                        priorYearChargebacks = (decimal)z.Descendants(ns + "Total").FirstOrDefault(),
                        stateAssessedTelco = (decimal)z.Element(ns + "StateAssessedTelco")
                chargebacks = x.Element(ns + "Chargebacks").Descendants(ns + "Total").Select(y => y == null ? 0 : (int)y).FirstOrDefault()

            this.progressBar1.Maximum = results[0].items.Count;
            this.progressBar1.Value = 0;
            this.progressBar1.Step = 1;

            csvstring += "recordNumber" + sDelimeter;
            csvstring += "localID1" + sDelimeter;
            csvstring += "localID2" + sDelimeter;
            csvstring += "legal" + sDelimeter;
            csvstring += "addressLine1" + sDelimeter;
            csvstring += "city" + sDelimeter;
            csvstring += "state" + sDelimeter;
            csvstring += "zipCode" + sDelimeter;
            csvstring += "owner" + sDelimeter;
            csvstring += "NameSeq" + sDelimeter;
            csvstring += "BusinessName" + sDelimeter;
            csvstring += "siteaddressLine1" + sDelimeter;
            csvstring += "sitecity" + sDelimeter;
            csvstring += "sitestate" + sDelimeter;
            csvstring += "sitezipCode" + sDelimeter;
            csvstring += "acres" + sDelimeter;
            csvstring += "landValue" + sDelimeter;
            csvstring += "improvementsValue" + sDelimeter;
            csvstring += "landTaxableTotal" + sDelimeter;
            csvstring += "improvementsTaxableTotal" + sDelimeter;
            csvstring += "estimatedFairMarketValue" + sDelimeter;
            csvstring += "stateTax" + sDelimeter;
            csvstring += "occupationalTax" + sDelimeter;
            csvstring += "forestTaxable" + sDelimeter;
            csvstring += "bORValue" + sDelimeter;
            csvstring += "privateForestCropTax" + sDelimeter;
            csvstring += "managedForestLawTax" + sDelimeter;
            csvstring += "taxTotal" + sDelimeter;
            csvstring += "schoolCredit" + sDelimeter;
            csvstring += "lotteryCredit" + sDelimeter;
            csvstring += "firstDollarCredit" + sDelimeter;
            csvstring += "specialAssessmentDesc" + sDelimeter;
            csvstring += "specialAssessmentCharge" + sDelimeter;
            csvstring += "delinquentUtilityCharges" + sDelimeter;
            csvstring += "netTax" + sDelimeter;
            csvstring += "payment" + sDelimeter;
            csvstring += "amountDue" + sDelimeter;
            csvstring += "priorYearChargebacks" + sDelimeter;
            csvstring += "stateAssessedTelco" + sDelimeter;
            csvstring = "";

            for (int i = 0; i < results[0].items.Count; i++)
                csvstring += results[0].items[i].recordNumber + sDelimeter;
                // Write Property Info
                csvstring += results[0].items[i].propertyInfo.localID1 + sDelimeter;
                csvstring += results[0].items[i].propertyInfo.localID2 + sDelimeter;
                csvstring += results[0].items[i] + sDelimeter;
                foreach (string element in results[0].items[i].propertyInfo.zoning)
                    csvstring += element;
                csvstring += "\t";
                // Write Owner Info
                if (results[0].items[i].ownerAndAddressInfo.mailingAddress == null)
                    csvstring += "\t\t\t\t";
                    csvstring += results[0].items[i].ownerAndAddressInfo.mailingAddress.addressLine1 + sDelimeter;
                    csvstring += results[0].items[i] + sDelimeter;
                    csvstring += results[0].items[i].ownerAndAddressInfo.mailingAddress.state + sDelimeter;
                    csvstring += results[0].items[i].ownerAndAddressInfo.mailingAddress.zipCode + sDelimeter;
                for (int io = 0; io < results[0].items[i].ownerAndAddressInfo.owners.Count; io++)
                    csvstring += results[0].items[i].ownerAndAddressInfo.owners[io].firstName + " ";
                    csvstring += results[0].items[i].ownerAndAddressInfo.owners[io].lastName + " ";
                csvstring += sDelimeter;
                csvstring += results[0].items[i].ownerAndAddressInfo.owners[0].lastName + " " + results[0].items[i].ownerAndAddressInfo.owners[0].firstName + sDelimeter;
                csvstring += results[0].items[i].ownerAndAddressInfo.owners[0].businessNameLine1 + sDelimeter;
                // Site Address
                if (results[0].items[i].ownerAndAddressInfo.siteAddress == null)
                    csvstring += "\t\t\t\t";
                    csvstring += results[0].items[i].ownerAndAddressInfo.siteAddress.addressLine1 + sDelimeter;
                    csvstring += results[0].items[i] + sDelimeter;
                    csvstring += results[0].items[i].ownerAndAddressInfo.siteAddress.state + sDelimeter;
                    csvstring += results[0].items[i].ownerAndAddressInfo.siteAddress.zipCode + sDelimeter;
                // Valuation Information
                csvstring += results[0].items[i].realProperty.classTotal.acres + sDelimeter;
                csvstring += results[0].items[i].realProperty.classTotal.landValue + sDelimeter;
                csvstring += results[0].items[i].realProperty.classTotal.improvementsValue + sDelimeter;
                // Tax Summary Information
                csvstring += results[0].items[i].taxSummary.landTaxableTotal + sDelimeter;
                csvstring += results[0].items[i].taxSummary.improvementsTaxableTotal + sDelimeter;
                csvstring += results[0].items[i].taxSummary.estimatedFairMarketValue + sDelimeter;
                csvstring += results[0].items[i].taxSummary.stateTax + sDelimeter;
                csvstring += results[0].items[i].taxSummary.occupationalTax + sDelimeter;
                csvstring += results[0].items[i].taxSummary.forestTaxable + sDelimeter;
                csvstring += results[0].items[i].taxSummary.bORValue + sDelimeter;
                csvstring += results[0].items[i].taxSummary.privateForestCropTax + sDelimeter;
                csvstring += results[0].items[i].taxSummary.managedForestLawTax + sDelimeter;
                csvstring += results[0].items[i].taxSummary.taxTotal + sDelimeter;
                csvstring += results[0].items[i].taxSummary.schoolCredit + sDelimeter;
                csvstring += results[0].items[i].taxSummary.lotteryCredit + sDelimeter;
                csvstring += results[0].items[i].taxSummary.firstDollarCredit + sDelimeter;
                csvstring += results[0].items[i].taxSummary.specialAssessmentDesc + sDelimeter;
                csvstring += results[0].items[i].taxSummary.specialAssessmentCharge + sDelimeter;
                csvstring += results[0].items[i].taxSummary.delinquentUtilityCharges + sDelimeter;
                csvstring += results[0].items[i].taxSummary.netTax + sDelimeter;
                csvstring += results[0].items[i].taxSummary.payment + sDelimeter;
                csvstring += results[0].items[i].taxSummary.amountDue + sDelimeter;
                csvstring += results[0].items[i].taxSummary.priorYearChargebacks + sDelimeter;
                csvstring += results[0].items[i].taxSummary.stateAssessedTelco + sDelimeter;
                csvstring = "";
            MessageBox.Show("Complete!", "Done Processing", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
            this.progressBar1.Value = 0;
        catch (Exception ex)
            MessageBox.Show(ex.Message,"Error Alert",MessageBoxButtons.OK,MessageBoxIcon.Information);

