Read-Host Printing the data if the input is given from file | Ubuntu 16

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I am experiencing issues with Read-Host when I am trying to read input from file

Let's say I create a file read.pwsh having the following contents

$a = Read-Host;

and there is input file having the following content


After executing command on terminal pwsh read.pwsh <

then I am getting the following output hello The above behaviour seems to be incorrect

Expected behavior

pwsh read.pwsh <

this should not print anything

Actual behavior

pwsh read.pwsh <

the input is getting printed

Environment data

OS Details        :  Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS
Poweshell Version :  PowerShell 6.2.2

There are 1 answers

dahchour ayoub On

I'm not an advanced user of powershell, but the script should have the extension .ps1. I see you using pwsh as an extension and I think that the system cannot read the file correctly.