I using spark-redis to save Dataset to Redis. Then I read this data by using Spring data redis:
This object I save to redis:
public class RatingResult implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 8755574422193819444L;
private String id;
private int user;
private String product;
private double productN;
private double rating;
private float prediction;
public static RatingResult convert(Row row) {
int user = row.getAs("user");
String product = row.getAs("product");
double productN = row.getAs("productN");
double rating = row.getAs("rating");
float prediction = row.getAs("prediction");
String id = user + product;
return RatingResult.builder().id(id).user(user).product(product).productN(productN).rating(rating)
Save object by using spark-redis:
JavaRDD<RatingResult> result = ...
sparkSession.createDataFrame(result, RatingResult.class).write().format("org.apache.spark.sql.redis")
.option("table", "collaborative_filtering").mode(SaveMode.Overwrite).save();
public interface RatingResultRepository extends JpaRepository<RatingResult, String> {
I can't read this data have been saved in Redis by using Spring data redis because structure data saved by spark-redis and spring data redis not same (I checked value of keys created by spark-redis and spring data redis are different by using command: redis-cli -p 6379 keys \*
and redis-cli hgetall $key
So how to read this data have been saved using Java or by any library in Java?
The following works for me.
Writing data from spark-redis.
I use Scala here, but it's essentially the same as you do in Java. The only thing I changed is I added a
.option("key.column", "id")
to specify the hash id.In spring-data-redis I have the following:
I use CrudRepository instead of JPA:
The output:
You may notice that the
field was not populated because the spark-redis stored has a hash id and not as a hash attribute.