So, my data is in the format of CSV files in the OSS bucket of Alibaba Cloud. I am currently executing a Python script, wherein:
- I download the file into my local machine.
- Do the changes using Python script in my local machine.
- Store it in AWS Cloud.
I have to modify this method and schedule a cron job in Alibaba Cloud to automate the running of this script. The Python script will be uploaded into Task Management of Alibaba Cloud.
So the new steps will be:
- Read a file from the OSS bucket into Pandas.
- Modify it - Merging it with other data, some column changes. - Will be done in pandas.
- Store the modified file into AWS RDS.
I am stuck at the first step itself. Error Log:
"No module found" for OSS2 & pandas.
What is the correct way of doing it?
This is a rough draft of my script (on how was able to execute script in my local machine):
import os,re
import oss2 -- **throws an error. No module found.**
import datetime as dt
import pandas as pd -- **throws an error. No module found.**
import tarfile
import mysql.connector
from datetime import datetime
from itertools import islice
dates = ("%Y%m%d")
def download_file(access_key_id,access_key_secret,endpoint,bucket):
auth = oss2.Auth(access_key_id, access_key_secret)
# Bucket name
bucket = oss2.Bucket(auth, endpoint, bucket)
# Download the file
# List all objects in the fun folder and its subfolders.
for obj in oss2.ObjectIterator(bucket, prefix=dates+'order'):
order_file = obj.key
objectName = order_file.split('/')[1]
df = pd.read_csv(bucket.get_object(order_file)) # to read into pandas
# FUNCTION to modify and upload
print("File downloaded")
print("Pls check!!! File not read")
return objectName