Read all Records on NTag213 using ACR1252U NFC Tag Reader

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I am using an ACR1252U NFC Tag Reader to read NTag213 NFC Tags. I currently have a python program that successfully lets me connect and send commands to the reader & tag.

I am having trouble figuring out how to retrieve all of the records that are stored on the tag. Any help would be appreciated


There are 1 answers

Andrew On

If you are using nfcpy module to access the tag then the module module automatically reads any records on connect if the Tag has any NDEF data stored on it.

An NFC Forum Tag can store NFC Data Exchange Format (NDEF) Records in a specifically formatted memory region. NDEF data is found automatically and wrapped into an NDEF object accessible through the tag.ndef attribute. When NDEF data is not present the attribute is simply None

To read is then just:-

assert tag.ndef is not None
for record in tag.ndef.records:

See for more details