I have a simple TableView that displays a list of strings downloaded from the network. The list is very large (~140k strings). Using AddRange and nothing is happening, but if I statically code a small 2-item list, it works fine.
Code for reload command in view model:
public ReactiveCommand<List<string>> LoadItems { get; protected set; }
// Later, in the constructor...
LoadItems = ReactiveCommand.CreateAsyncObservable(_ => BlobCache.LocalMachine.GetAndFetchLatest(
LoadItems.Subscribe(list => {
If I change it to something like this, though, it actually adds cells to the table view:
LoadItems.Subscribe(list => {
Console.WriteLine(list.Count); // To see if it's working (it is)
var stuff = new List<string>() {
"Test item!"
My guess is that I'm adding the items in a very inefficient way and it's just not returning from the AddRange call. I'm VERY new to Rx/ReactiveUI/MVVM/all-this-cool-linq-stuff, but the premise is pretty awesome.
For what it's worth - I'm trying to do this on MonoTouch.
Looks like this issue was fixed in ReactiveUI 6.2.1.