I am trying to make a memo pad where a user can write in a textarea and save it. When the page opens, I want the same text to remain in the textarea.
I don't want to use the onChange
event because it gets rendered with every input
So I am trying to use onSubmit
and useEffect
I am new to react and trying to understand hooks. But after reading all the documents I am still lost.
I am using Ionic framework and below is my code,
<form className="memo" onSubmit={handleSubmit(text)}>
<IonItemDivider><IonLabel>관리자용 메모판</IonLabel></IonItemDivider>
<IonTextarea id="memoTextarea" rows={28} value={text} name="memoTextarea" ref={register({})} ></IonTextarea>
<IonButton type="submit" fill="solid">저장</IonButton>
Can anybody help me, how will I implement the useEffect
code ?
}, []);
What do I put inside handleSubmit()
react-hook-form uses uncontrolled components by default. Uncontrolled means you don't have to control the state yourself, the components handle it for you (in this case
). It also means that your parent component doesn't re-render because it doesn't have to reflect the changes from the dependency state since it doesn't have any.You can make sure the component is uncontrollable by not initializing the value in the input component. You can confirm that your component doesn't re-render by logging in the render method.
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