React testing library - how to test setstate incustom onchange method of child component which updates state of child in parent component

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I am new to react testing. I have a child component (to which I have no edit access) which is a table along with search box option. It has a event onSearchChange which will update the state with text if value entered in search box. Then we have logic for search using that text. Both set state and search logic is in parent component on which child is rendered. Its working perfectly fine in real time, but in unit testing I am not sure why the onSearchChange is not updating the state(number of rows in table) when I change the value of search box.

This onSearchChange is of type
onSearchChange?: (e: React.SyntheticEvent, value: string) => void;

I have also tried firevents and userevent.type. But nothing works. I have code coverage problem because of this since I need to cover code of search logic.

Please help. Thank you !

Parent Component

const [searchText, setSearchText] = useState("");
//logic to perform search
return(<div className="patient-list">
         <div className="table">
         <SearchTable onSearchChange={(e) => {
         setSearchText(( as HTMLInputElement).value)}} table={result} />

test file

it("should search the table", () => {
    const { container } = render(<ParentComponent />);
    let searchInputBox = screen.getByPlaceholderText ("Search the results") as HTMLInputElement
    act(() => {
      searchBoxInput.value = "Age";
      const rows = container.getElementsByClassName("class1")

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