React Redux Firebase + Firestore - cannot read userProfile collection with data after migration

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Currently I've been moving my firebase app from real time database to the cloud firestore. For that purpose I have two separate firebase projects:

  • my-project <- current project my app uses
  • my-project-firestore <- project I want to migrate to

I exported all the users from the current project and imported them back to the new one.

Currently my react-redux-firebase config looks like that

export const reduxFirebase = {
    userProfile: "users"

it makes the user profiles are being saved to the real time database under path /users Now I moved all of the documents under this path to the same path in the cloud firestore database by using such python script

def migrate_users(project_id, firebase_app, firestore_client):
    path = "/users"
    firestore_path = "users/{customer_id}"
        f"migrating from project: {project_id}, partner_id: {partner_id}, path: {path}"
    ref = db.reference(path, firebase_app)
    document = ref.get() or {}
    items = document.items()
    size = len(items)
    for counter, item in enumerate(items):
        customer_id = item[0]
        notes = item[1]
        print(f"{counter+1}/{size} -- migrating customer_id: {customer_id}")
        current_document = firestore_client.document(

So now in theory I should have the same state of data regarding users and their profiles in both databases.

I added the redux-firestore dependency

    "react-redux-firebase": "2.5.1",
    "redux-firestore": "^0.13.0",

I changed some code in my react app

   export const reduxFirebase = {
       userProfile: "users",
       useFirestoreForProfile: true
  const composedEnhancers = composeEnhancers(
        reactReduxFirebase(firebase, reduxConfig),

After I login into my app using my gmail account, which in firebase has some id let's say qWertYzAbcdEfhJijk, when I try to fetch all documents from the firestore under the path /users I can only fetch documents which were created when somebody logged into my app with new config. It doesn't see all the user data I migrated

    export default compose(
        firestoreConnect(props => [
                collection: "users",
                storeAs: "users"
        connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)
const mapStateToProps = (state, props) => {
    return {
function ActiveUsersPanel(props) {
    const {firebase, classes, users} = props;

the result contains only one item

{"qWertYzAbcdEfhJijk":{"id":"qWertYzAbcdEfhJijk","avatarUrl":"https://lh6.go...","displayName":"My name","email":"[email protected]","providerData":[{"email":"[email protected]","phoneNumber":null,"photoURL":"https://lh6.googl...","providerId":"","uid":"115418232581098xxxxxx"}]}}

And doesn't contain all of the documents I migrated from the old database even though they look the same

Why is it happening and how to solve it ?

EDIT: maybe this picture can help to better understand what my issue is

enter image description here

EDIT: I noticed that when I change the react-redux-firebase config to point to other path

export const reduxFirebase = {
           userProfile: "storeUsers",
           useFirestoreForProfile: true

suddenly it's able to read the /users correctly in my component


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