Hi i am rendering HTML contant with using react-native-render-html.
var strHTML = ''
strHTML = `<html><head></head><body><div id="container"><div id="one"><h3>Sunny</h3><p>Developer</p><p>Ist Floor, Shubham Complex, Ghatlodiya</p><p>Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380061</p></div><div id="two"><h3>9999999</h3><p>Specification </p></div></div></body></html>`
<ScrollView style={{ flex: 1 }}>
<HTML html={htmlContent} tagsStyles={tagsStyles} classesStyles={classStyles} imagesMaxWidth={Dimensions.get('window').width} />
const styles = {
tagsStyles: {
p: {margin: 2},
h3: {margin: 2, color: 'red'}
const classStyles = {
"container": { height: 200, background: 'red'},
"one": { height: 200,float: 'left' },
"two": { marginLeft: 30,height: 200 }
But classStyles(container,one,two) does not have effect on that
You need to change html