I am trying to unzip a file which exists in DocumentDirectoryPath but getting the error below:
[Unhandled promise rejection: ReferenceError: Can't find variable: Worker]
- node_modules\libarchive.js\src\libarchive.js:37:29 in Archive#constructor
- node_modules\libarchive.js\src\libarchive.js:26:20 in Archive.open
my code below is very simple:
import { Archive } from 'libarchive.js/main.js';
workerUrl: 'libarchive.js/dist/worker-bundle.js'
const sourcePath =
const archive = await Archive.open(sourcePath);
I would appreciate any ideas!
libarchivejs works with File objects, so instead of passing file path you need to read the file and pass it to
here's is examples of reading file