I'm trying to implement a barcode scanner (this model is a Generalscan M100BT) inside a React Native application. Currently works ok for scanning into a TextiInput, but the soft keyboard is on the way and theres no way to hide it. So we are trying to capture the events from the scanner but I'm not able to determine which event should I look into, nor which module generates it or how to obtain the EAN code once I determine which event has it. I'm using Snoopy to look at the Bridge and trying to narrow down where to look, here are some of the logcat output where I think might be the event I'm looking for, but I'm not really sure
12-30 14:06:45.193 7608 7686 I ReactNativeJS: N->JS : RCTEventEmitter.receiveEvent([1149,"topLayout",{"target":1149,"layout":{"y":458,"height":0,"width":360,"x":0}}]) *
12-30 14:06:45.195 7608 7686 I ReactNativeJS: N->JS : RCTEventEmitter.receiveEvent([1155,"topLayout",{"target":1155,"layout":{"y":0,"height":561,"width":360,"x":0}}]) *
12-30 14:06:45.196 7608 7686 I ReactNativeJS: N->JS : JSTimers.callTimers([[1383]]) *
12-30 14:06:45.197 7608 7686 I ReactNativeJS: N->JS : JSTimers.callTimers([[1384]]) *
12-30 14:06:45.198 7608 7686 I ReactNativeJS: N->JS : JSTimers.callTimers([[1380,1382]]) *
12-30 14:06:45.357 7608 7686 I ReactNativeJS: N->JS : JSTimers.callTimers([[1386]]) *
12-30 14:06:45.358 7608 7686 I ReactNativeJS: N->JS : JSTimers.callTimers([[1390]]) *
12-30 14:06:45.361 7608 7686 I ReactNativeJS: N->JS : RCTDeviceEventEmitter.emit(["onAnimatedValueUpdate",{"value":2,"tag":3}]) *
12-30 14:07:17.609 7608 7686 I ReactNativeJS: N->JS : RCTDeviceEventEmitter.emit(["onHWKeyEvent",{"tag":879,"eventType":"focus"}]) *
12-30 14:07:17.964 7608 7686 I ReactNativeJS: N->JS : RCTDeviceEventEmitter.emit(["onHWKeyEvent",{"tag":879,"eventType":"select"}]) *
12-30 14:07:17.978 7608 7686 I ReactNativeJS: N->JS : RCTEventEmitter.receiveEvent([879,"topClick",{}]) *
12-30 14:07:18.072 7608 7686 I ReactNativeJS: N->JS : JSTimers.callTimers([[1394]]) *
12-30 14:07:18.081 7608 7686 I ReactNativeJS: N->JS : RCTDeviceEventEmitter.emit(["onAnimatedValueUpdate",{"value":1,"tag":3}]) *
12-30 14:07:18.083 7608 7686 I ReactNativeJS: N->JS : <callback for NativeAnimatedModule.startAnimatingNode>([{"finished":true}]) *
12-30 14:07:18.095 7608 7686 I ReactNativeJS: N->JS : JSTimers.callTimers([[1399]]) *
12-30 14:07:18.250 7608 7686 I ReactNativeJS: N->JS : JSTimers.callTimers([[1400]]) *
12-30 14:07:18.295 7608 7686 I ReactNativeJS: N->JS : RCTDeviceEventEmitter.emit(["onHWKeyEvent",{"tag":879,"eventType":"blur"}]) *
12-30 14:07:18.296 7608 7686 I ReactNativeJS: N->JS : RCTDeviceEventEmitter.emit(["onHWKeyEvent",{"tag":13,"eventType":"focus"}]) *
12-30 14:07:18.305 7608 7686 I ReactNativeJS: N->JS : RCTDeviceEventEmitter.emit(["onAnimatedValueUpdate",{"value":1,"tag":3}]) *
12-30 14:08:24.954 7608 7686 I ReactNativeJS: N->JS : RCTDeviceEventEmitter.emit(["onHWKeyEvent",{"tag":13,"eventType":"select"}]) *
12-30 14:08:24.969 7608 7686 I ReactNativeJS: N->JS : RCTEventEmitter.receiveEvent([13,"topClick",{}]) *
besides that I'm trying to capture the event using:
const nativeEventEmitter = new NativeEventEmitter(NativeModules.{BarcodeScannerModule});
nativeEventEmitter.addListener('onHWKeyEvent', (data) => console.log("Barcode Scanner Event: ", data));
but I don't know where to look for the {BarcodeScannerModule} module name to use with this code,
Heres the code for the TextInput that receives the scanned barcode, on the onSubmitEditing it uses the event:
<TextInput style={{ color: "white", width: 0, height: 0 }}
onFocus={() => NativeModules.KeyboardModule.hideKeyboard()}
ref={(input) => { this.scanInput = input }}
onSubmitEditing={(event) => { this.findEanData(event.nativeEvent.text); }}
any help is greatly appreciated!
I'm closing this question cause found that I could capture the events using react-native-keyevent, which wasn't working cause there was a bluetooth problem between the device and the scanner.