React 18.1.0 Dependency Tree Errors- can't resolve dependency tree

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I am currently having trouble solving dependency tree error with React 18. Initially, I couldn't start a new react project with npx-create-react-app my-app (a template was not provided). I fixed that and can now start a new project, but I have two other react apps that I cannot get to start up.

The first one is a portfolio react template that I downloaded. I opened it up and ran npm start in the terminal with no luck (attached is the dependency tree error message).

These are the steps I took to try to fix it:

  1. I deleted all react and node folders that were dowloaded on my Mac (outside of the directory).

  2. Ran npm install --save --legacy-peer-deps

  3. Ran rm -rf node_modules

  4. Ran npm cach clean --force

  5. I removed package.lock.json

  6. I changed these scripts in package.json to updated versions nodemon: 2.0.16 react: 18.1.0 react-scripts: 5.0.1 React-dom: 18.1.0

When I then run npm start I get the dependency errors. I would appreciate any help and advice! Thanks so much![!dependency errors]


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