re-sort Polymer dom-repeat after change of value in child

476 views Asked by At

I have a Polymer dom-repeat list where the children get sorted o.k. on the initial value. When I change the a value inside of the child, the depending sort order of the list is not updated. How can I best achieve that?


    <dom-module id="list-records">
            <template is="dom-repeat" 
                <single-record record="{{item}}"
                is: 'list-records',
                properties: {
                    records: {
                        type: Array,
                        value: [
                            {number:1, value:4},
                            {number:2, value:2},
                            {number:3, value:3}]
                sortByValue: function(a, b) {
                    if (a.value < b.value) return -1;
                    if (a.value > b.value) return 1;
                    return 0;

    <dom-module id="single-record">
                Number: <span>{{record.number}}</span> 
                Value: <span>{{record.value}}</span>
                <button on-tap="_add">+</button>
                is: 'single-record',
                properties: {
                    record: Object,
                _add: function() {
                    this.set('record.value', this.record.value + 1);

Background: In the real location based application I have a center location (lat, lng) and get a list of keys for locations around the center. I create a child for each key. The child uses the key to get lat,lng information from a database (async). Using the lat lng information from center and from the location, I can calculate the distance inside the child. The list should be ordered by the calculated distance.


There are 2 answers

MGR Programming On

I had to add the notify parameter as pointed out by Neil and also 'observe' to the template (source: How to re run dom-repeat with sort when bool property changed in Polymer element).

<template id="list"

Then it works as expected in the sample code above as well as in the real geo-location application :)

Neil John Ramal On

In your single-record component, your record property does not allow two-way data binding, hence it won't change that record back to the list-records element. To enable two-way data binding, you must declare record property with notify:true.

properties: {
  record: {
    type: Object,
    notify: true
