Re-asking for declined facebook permissions

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What would be the proper way of re-asking user permissions? I am specifically interested in pages_show_list. There FB gives the user a list of pages to select from. Assuming the user would not have selected all of them at first run, i might want to show the list once again at some point of application lifecycle. How would i do that?

I found calling

FB.login(statusChangeCallback, {scope: 'pages_show_list', return_scopes: true})

would not do the trick as it would simple confirm the user has already linked fb to app as You've previously linked [AppName] to Facebook. There is a way to go Edit and then modify a list, but unlikely user would understand to do that.

A second option i came across is to revoke the permission first

FB.api('/me/permissions/pages_show_list', 'DELETE', function(){
   FB.login(statusChangeCallback, {scope: 'pages_show_list', return_scopes: true})

but then, what would happen to the pages i have check at first run? I assume they would be revoked and access tokens would become obsolete.


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