I am investigating transitioning an application to use RDF. One roadblock is how this application models names of persons. It supports straight-forward full names as a single string, but also supports decomposed names, e.g. person X has given name Frens followed by a second given name Jan followed by the family name Rumph.
The data structure is something like:
enum Role {
record NameElement(role: Role, value: String) {}
record AnnotatedName(NameElement... elements) {}
in order to be instantiated like:
var name = new AnnotatedName(
new NameElement(GIVEN_NAME, "Frens"),
new NameElement(GIVEN_NAME, "Jan"),
new NameElement(FAMILY_NAME, "de Vries")
This allows reconstruction of the name into a string while at the same time expressing the components of the name. So it captures the roles of the elements of a name (e.g. given names, family names) as well as their order (given names aren't first everywhere). Also, it allows expressing multiple names. E.g. in multiple languages / scripts. Or even aliases used in different areas of the world.
I have toyed around with some RDF constructs, but none are really satisfactory:
# list of strings misusing data types as tags
:frens :name ( "Frens"^^:givenName "Jan"^^:givenName "de Vries"^^:familyName ) .
# list of blank nodes
:frens :name ( [ :givenName "Frens" ]
[ :givenName "Jan" ]
[ :familyName "de Vries" ] ) .
# single blank node with unordered 'elements'
:frens :name [ a :AnnotatedPersonName ;
:fullName "Frens Jan de Vries" ;
:givenName "Frens" ;
:givenName "Jan" ;
:familyName "de Vries" ] .
Existing ontologies for HD names? Is there an existing ontology that covers such 'high fidelity'? FOAF and vcard have some relevant properties, but aren't able to capture this level of semantics.
Lists? One major 'blocker' in migrating this approach to RDF is the notion of order that is used. If at all possible, I'd like to stay away from the List / Container swamp in RDF land ...