Ray/Rectangle intersection in 3D space

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Im having trouble with calculating whether line/ray intersects a rectangle (thats on a plane) in 3d space.

I have searched and the only thing I found was Ray and square/rectangle intersection in 3D but I just cant quite understand the last steps and how to apply it for my system.

So I have a Ray

struct Ray
  Vector3 m_startPoint;  // P0
  Vector3 m_direction;   // Direction Unit Vector
  float m_length;         // Ray length

and I have a quad defined by

struct Quad
    Vector3 p1;    
    Vector3 p2;
    Vector3 p3;
    Vector3 p4;
    Vector3 normal;

What I first did was calculate whether the ray would ever hit the plane using the dot product

float dotProd = D3DXVec3Dot(&ray.m_direction, &quad.normal);

if (dotProd < 0)     // if <0 ray will travel into the plane
    // Get the point of intersection
    float distToIntersection
    //Vector3D intersectPoint = ray.m_startPoint + (distToIntersection * ray.m_direction);

    // Check whether the point of intersection is within the bounds of the Quad

And this is where I get stuck...

I know its been answered before but I can't make it work for my system so would really appreciate some help.


There are 2 answers

Tommy On

Your existing dotProd test just tells you whether the direction of your ray is along the normal or away from it.

What you probably want to do is:

  1. get distance of start point and of end point from plane;
  2. if both distances have the same sign then stop — there's no intersection;
  3. otherwise calculate the intersection point — if start distance is s and end distance is e then it's necessarily at the point s / (s - e) along the line;
  4. perform a point-in-rectangle test on the point: if its x is in the x range of the box and its y is in the y range of the box then it's inside and the ray strikes the rectangle. Otherwise it does not.
Joseph O'Rourke On

"Could you show me the method of projecting onto 2D?"

Maybe this will help. Note the projection of a rectangle is a convex quadrilateral (not generally a rectangle), so you will need four LeftOf( ) tests to verify inclusion of the projected point.

You can find LeftOf( ) in many place, including this textbook.

Don't forget to test if the rectangle lies in a plane orthogonal to the xy-plane, in which case you should project to either the xz- or the yz-plane.