Very new to this, would appreciate any advice on the following:
I have a dataset 'Projects' showing list of institutions with project IDs:
project_id institution_name
0 somali national university
1 aarhus university
2 bath spa
3 aa school of architecture
4 actionaid uk
I would like to fuzzy match merge this with the following dataset of 'Universities' and their country codes:
institution_name country_code
a tan kapuja buddhista foiskola HU
aa school of architecture UK
bath spa university UK
aalto-yliopisto FI
aarhus universitet DK
And get back this:
project_id institution_name Match organisation country_code
0 somali national university [] NaN NaN
1 aarhus university [(91)] aarhus universitet DK
2 bath spa [(90)] bath spa university UK
3 aa school of architecture [(100)] aa school of architecture UK
4 actionaid uk [] NaN NaN
Using rapidfuzz:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from rapidfuzz import process, utils as fuzz_utils
def fuzzy_merge(baseFrame, compareFrame, baseKey, compareKey, threshold=90, limit=1, how='left'):
# baseFrame: the left table to join
# compareFrame: the right table to join
# baseKey: key column of the left table
# compareKey: key column of the right table
# threshold: how close the matches should be to return a match, based on Levenshtein distance
# limit: the amount of matches that will get returned, these are sorted high to low
# return: dataframe with boths keys and matches
s_mapping = {x: fuzz_utils.default_process(x) for x in compareFrame[compareKey]}
m1 = baseFrame[baseKey].apply(lambda x: process.extract(
fuzz_utils.default_process(x), s_mapping, limit=limit, score_cutoff=threshold, processor=None
baseFrame['Match'] = m1
m2 = baseFrame['Match'].apply(lambda x: ', '.join(i[2] for i in x))
baseFrame['organisation'] = m2
return baseFrame.merge(compareFrame, on=baseKey, how=how)
Merged = fuzzy_merge(Projects, Universities, 'institution_name', 'institution_name')
I got this (with some extra text in the match column but won't go into that now). It's nearly what I want, but the country code only matches up when it's a 100% match:
project_id institution_name Match organisation country_code
0 somali national university [] NaN NaN
1 aarhus university [(91)] aarhus universitet NaN
2 bath spa [(90)] bath spa university NaN
3 aa school of architecture [(100)] aa school of architecture UK
4 actionaid uk [] NaN NaN
I reckon this is an issue with how I'm comparing my basekey to the compareframe to create my merged dataset. I can't sort out how to return it on 'organisation' instead though - attempts to plug it in result in varying errors.
Never mind, figured it out - I didn't account for the empty cells! Replacing them with NaN worked out perfectly.