this is a solution(not working well) to a coursera problem. I'm trying to rank a data frame containing the names of hospitals based on their performance on 3 different conditions. (I found another to this question at How to subset a row from list based on condition). I think I'm not subsetting right and I don't return the correct data frame at the end. really new to programming and R. thank you for your help.
rankall <- function(outcome, num = 'best'){
data <- read.csv('outcome-of-care-measures.csv', colClasses = 'character')
data[,11] <- as.numeric(data[,11])
data[,17] <- as.numeric(data[,17])
data[17] <- as.numeric(data[,23])
states <- sort(unique(data$State))
conditions <- data[c(11,17,23)]
if(!state %in% states){stop('invalid state')}
if(!outcome %in% conditions){stop('invalid outcome')}
for (i in 1:length(states)){
statedata <-data[data$State == state[i],]
if(outcome == 'heart attack'){column <- (statedata[,11]}
if(outcome == 'heart failure') {column <-(statedata[,17]}
if(outcome == 'pneumonia') {column <- statedata[,23]}
rankedhospitals <- c()
rankcondition <- rank(column, na.last = NA)
if (num == 'best'){num <- 1}
if(num == 'worst'){num <- nrow(rankcondition)}
rankedhospitals[i] <- statedata$Hospital.Name[order(column, statedata$Hospital.Name)[num]]
rankedhospitals <- cbind(rankedhospitals,states[num,2])
return (c('rankedhospitals', 'states'))