I've use psql rank and partition functions to create a table that describes the sequence of photos taken on a trip, where id is the picture id, nsid is the photographer id, location is where the photo was taken, and rank is the order in which the photos were taken during the trip (defined by photos in same date_trunc time period).
id |nsid |location |date_taken |time_taken |date_trunc |rank
1 |10000137@N04 |11 |08/03/2006 |18:42:02 |2006-03-06 |1
2 |10000137@N04 |11 |08/03/2006 |18:56:44 |2006-03-06 |2
3 |10000137@N04 |446 |12/09/2007 |01:05:27 |2007-09-10 |1
4 |10000137@N04 |4 |12/09/2007 |01:05:35 |2007-09-10 |2
5 |10000137@N04 |4 |12/09/2007 |01:05:41 |2007-09-10 |3
6 |10000137@N04 |56 |12/09/2007 |01:05:45 |2007-09-10 |4
7 |10000137@N04 |11 |03/07/2008 |09:21:54 |2008-06-30 |1
8 |10000137@N04 |3199 |09/03/2013 |16:37:40 |2013-03-04 |1
9 |10000137@N04 |4 |09/03/2013 |18:56:55 |2013-03-04 |2
10 |10000280@N07 |215 |02/08/2007 |17:25:43 |2007-07-30 |1
11 |10000280@N07 |215 |03/08/2007 |19:35:11 |2007-07-30 |2
12 |100006043@N02 |203 |05/08/2013 |14:02:49 |2013-07-29 |1
13 |100006043@N02 |1 |05/08/2013 |18:08:45 |2013-07-29 |2
14 |100010324@N02 |1 |14/04/2013 |19:19:13 |2013-04-08 |1
15 |100010343@N03 |367 |04/06/2014 |18:54:13 |2014-06-02 |1
16 |100014982@N03 |2909 |28/08/2013 |23:20:27 |2013-08-26 |1
17 |100014982@N03 |183 |13/09/2013 |12:26:41 |2013-09-09 |1
18 |100018928@N06 |1149 |01/08/2013 |08:40:22 |2013-07-29 |1
19 |100018928@N06 |1149 |01/08/2013 |08:40:23 |2013-07-29 |2
20 |100018928@N06 |1149 |01/08/2013 |08:40:32 |2013-07-29 |3
21 |100018928@N06 |1149 |01/08/2013 |08:40:33 |2013-07-29 |4
22 |100021169@N02 |10 |02/07/2005 |18:17:26 |2005-06-27 |1
23 |100021169@N02 |10 |02/07/2005 |18:18:13 |2005-06-27 |2
I would like to create a new column called location_rank which is the position in sequence in which the location was visited. Thus photos taken at the same location by the same user user on the same trip would have the same location_rank, and the location_rank value would only increase for each new location visited during that user's trip (i.e. only when the location value changes from the previous row in the partition). So the desired table would look like this:
id |nsid |location |date_taken|time_taken|date_trunc |rank|location_rank
1 |10000137@N04 |11 |08/03/06 |18:42:02 |2006-01-01 |1 |1
2 |10000137@N04 |11 |08/03/06 |18:56:44 |2006-01-01 |2 |1
3 |10000137@N04 |446 |12/09/07 |01:05:27 |2007-01-01 |1 |1
4 |10000137@N04 |4 |12/09/07 |01:05:35 |2007-01-01 |2 |2
5 |10000137@N04 |4 |12/09/07 |01:05:41 |2007-01-01 |3 |2
6 |10000137@N04 |56 |12/09/07 |01:05:45 |2007-01-01 |4 |3
7 |10000137@N04 |11 |03/07/08 |09:21:54 |2008-01-01 |1 |1
8 |10000137@N04 |3199 |09/03/13 |16:37:40 |2013-01-01 |1 |1
9 |10000137@N04 |4 |09/03/13 |18:56:55 |2013-01-01 |2 |2
10 |10000280@N07 |215 |02/08/07 |17:25:43 |2007-01-01 |1 |1
11 |10000280@N07 |215 |03/08/07 |19:35:11 |2007-01-01 |2 |1
12 |100006043@N02 |203 |05/08/13 |14:02:49 |2013-01-01 |1 |1
13 |100006043@N02 |1 |05/08/13 |18:08:45 |2013-01-01 |2 |2
14 |100010324@N02 |1 |14/04/13 |19:19:13 |2013-01-01 |1 |1
15 |100010343@N03 |367 |04/06/14 |18:54:13 |2014-01-01 |1 |1
16 |100014982@N03 |2909 |28/08/13 |23:20:27 |2013-01-01 |1 |1
17 |100014982@N03 |183 |13/09/13 |12:26:41 |2013-01-01 |2 |2
18 |100018928@N06 |1149 |01/08/13 |08:40:22 |2013-01-01 |1 |1
19 |100018928@N06 |1149 |01/08/13 |08:40:23 |2013-01-01 |2 |1
20 |100018928@N06 |1149 |01/08/13 |08:40:32 |2013-01-01 |3 |1
21 |100018928@N06 |1149 |01/08/13 |08:40:33 |2013-01-01 |4 |1
22 |100021169@N02 |10 |02/07/05 |18:17:26 |2005-01-01 |1 |1
23 |100021169@N02 |10 |02/07/05 |18:18:13 |2005-01-01 |2 |1
24 |10002296@N02 |25 |12/03/11 |13:41:10 |2011-01-01 |1 |1
25 |10002296@N02 |25 |12/03/11 |13:42:19 |2011-01-01 |2 |1
26 |10002296@N02 |25 |12/03/11 |14:00:49 |2011-01-01 |3 |1
27 |10002296@N02 |25 |12/03/11 |14:07:57 |2011-01-01 |4 |1
28 |10002296@N02 |25 |12/03/11 |14:10:12 |2011-01-01 |5 |1
29 |10002450@N05 |105 |07/08/11 |02:43:45 |2011-01-01 |1 |1
30 |10002450@N05 |5 |07/08/11 |05:19:27 |2011-01-01 |2 |2
31 |100025689@N07 |966 |28/10/13 |20:19:05 |2013-01-01 |1 |1
32 |100025689@N07 |966 |28/10/13 |20:35:38 |2013-01-01 |2 |1
33 |100025689@N07 |966 |28/10/13 |20:35:55 |2013-01-01 |3 |1
34 |100025689@N07 |966 |28/10/13 |21:09:53 |2013-01-01 |4 |1
35 |100025689@N07 |966 |28/10/13 |21:27:50 |2013-01-01 |5 |1
36 |100029993@N07 |831 |27/09/14 |18:27:24 |2014-01-01 |1 |1
37 |100029993@N07 |3708 |09/10/14 |20:36:42 |2014-01-01 |2 |2
38 |100033343@N05 |42 |31/10/14 |12:23:50 |2014-01-01 |1 |1
39 |10003453@N03 |16 |28/08/09 |13:46:44 |2009-01-01 |1 |1
40 |10003453@N03 |186 |28/08/09 |14:17:39 |2009-01-01 |2 |2
41 |10003453@N03 |19 |28/08/09 |16:43:07 |2009-01-01 |3 |3
42 |10003453@N03 |2919 |29/08/09 |12:18:10 |2009-01-01 |4 |4
43 |10003453@N03 |2453 |29/08/09 |13:22:12 |2009-01-01 |5 |5
44 |10003453@N03 |262 |29/08/09 |15:59:14 |2009-01-01 |6 |6
45 |10003453@N03 |22 |30/08/09 |15:26:56 |2009-01-01 |7 |7
46 |10003453@N03 |33 |30/08/09 |16:25:30 |2009-01-01 |8 |8
47 |10003453@N03 |2914 |30/08/09 |21:29:39 |2009-01-01 |9 |9
48 |10003453@N03 |408 |03/09/09 |23:36:12 |2009-01-01 |10 |10
49 |10003453@N03 |133 |06/09/09 |21:57:03 |2009-01-01 |11 |11
50 |10003453@N03 |713 |16/09/09 |00:01:53 |2009-01-01 |12 |12
I've tried using the dense_rank function but I have been unsuccessful. I would be extremely grateful for help in creating the location_rank column.
Here is the dense_rank query that I've tried unsuccesfully:
create table prep.location_rank2 as
id, nsid,
location,date_taken,time_taken,date_trunc, rank,
dense_rank() over(
partition by nsid, date_trunc
order by date_taken, time_taken, location, rank
) as location_rank
from prep.test
order by nsid;