Random "/usr/bin/env: 'python3.6': No such file or directory" when working with dask-yarn

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I am using dask-yarn in local mode in a mapr-cluster. I have unpacked the virtual environment in a shared folder between the nodes. Some times the workers ( containers ) start properly in the cluster, but sometimes the containers have the next error message in yarn.

/usr/bin/env: 'python3.6': No such file or directory

In the meantime, I see a lot of containers with status FAILED ( > 1000 ). My initial provision is around 5 workers however I have to wait around 10 minutes or more until I get the initial provision.

The next is my /etc/dask/yarn.yaml configuration

  specification: null        
  name: dask                 
  queue: default             
  deploy-mode: local        
  environment: "venv://<shared_location>"
  tags: []                  
  user: ''                  
  host: "host_name"             
  port: 8788                    
  dashboard-address: ":17439"   

    vcores: 1
    memory: 2GiB

    vcores: 1
    memory: 2GiB
    restarts: -1            
    env: {'SOME_VAR':'some_value'}

There are 1 answers

willson albert On

Reason for the problem: Some of the nodes didnt have the same python version and in the same location. Since I am using a virtual environment. The virtual environment expected to have python in the same location in all Nodes