Using this perl code below, I try to output some names in a random generated file. But the files are created with weird characters like this:
And, obviously when my code looks for these files it says not such file. Also, when I try open the files using "vi", they open like this
vi 'temporary-files/snp-list-boo.dwjEUq5Wu
i.e. with a "new line" in the file name. Someone please help me understand and solve this weird issue. Thanks much!
my $tfile = `mktemp boo.XXXXXXXXX`;
my $fh = "";
foreach my $keys (keys %POS_HASH){
open ($fh, '>>', "temporary-files/snp-list-$tfile.txt");
print $fh "$keys $POS_HASH{$keys}\n";
close $fh;
mktemp returns a line feed character in its output that you need to chop() or chomp() first.
Instead of using the external
program, why don't you go with File::Temp instead?