I am learning Ruby and trying to experiment with parsing arguments and having trouble with this example I made. The Rake namespace is not recognizing a local task. The :example
task works fine. The :exampleAlt
task is not working.
The error is:
$ rake myapp:exampleAlt
rake aborted!
NameError: undefined local variable or method `runTests' for main:Object
C:/CTemp/rubyTest/Rakefile:19:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
Tasks: TOP => myapp:exampleAlt
And here is my code:
require 'rake'
require 'rake/testtask'
# uses '--' args format because the 'optparse' lib we use wants it that way
# runs myapp tests with args client, env, and application
namespace :myapp do |args|
desc "Runs all tests."
task :runTests, [:client, :env, :app] do |t, args|
puts "Args: #{args}"
desc "Runs example."
task :example do
Rake.application.invoke_task("myapp:runTests[--client=EXAMPLE, --env=Staging, --app=myapp]")
desc "Runs example alternate."
task :exampleAlt do
Rake::Task[myapp:runTests].invoke('--client=EXAMPLE', '--env=Staging', '--app=myappalt')
desc "Runs tests with default values."
task :defaults, :client, :env, :app do |t, args|
args.with_defaults(:default_client => '--client=EXAMPLE', :default_env => '--env=Staging', :default_app => '--app=myapp')
puts "Args: #{args}"
You have a problem in line 20:
is no symbol and no string. If you make it a string, then your task will run:With
you don't work inside you namespace, you call a task on a global level.