Rails4: Private Pub over HTTPS on Heroku

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I'm doing an app which uses private pub gem to work, and its run ok on localhost, but not when I deploy it to heroku. I think that problem which is HTTPS protocol on Heroku. I'm already tried almost everything to do it run on Heroku, but I did not find a solution yet. Someone already make the private pub run over HTTPS before?

The cert is trusted by browser. I'm testing on Opera and Chrome. If I change to http on heroku, the file faye.js is blocked and do not loaded. When I run the thin server on heroku I get the error: "Sure you're not looking for /faye ?", And when I do not load the thin server by procfile I get a js error on browser when the chat is loaded: application-2563428….js:19064 GET myapp.herokuapp.com/faye.js

my setup is:

private_pub.yml (/config)

  server: "http://localhost:9292/faye"
  secret_token: "secret"
  server: "http://localhost:9292/faye"
  secret_token: "secret"
  server: "https://my.app.com/faye"
  secret_token: "c2c373dd2d7b8d080311d4d32f9710a7c01ee627c30a75ec1143559b74a82c75"
  signature_expiration: 86400 # one day

private_pub.ru (/)

require "bundler/setup"
require "yaml"
require "faye"
require "private_pub"


PrivatePub.load_config(File.expand_path("../config/private_pub.yml", __FILE__), ENV["RAILS_ENV"] || "production")
run PrivatePub.faye_app

I'm already tried this and this without success. My tutorial reference is this.

A guy was success at here, but I still have not figured out how.



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