Is there an open source deserializer in C# that could read a RoR style fixture into a given type? I tried googling it, but there really was not much that came up. It seems like a really simple thing that someone else has probably already done.
Example fixture file:
CelciusReading: 9.99
CelciusReading: 23
Library call:
Dictionary<String, TemperatureReading> readings = Fixture.Get<TemperatureReading>("temperature_readings.yml");
Expected output would be something like:
readings = new []{
Key = "one",
Value = new TemperatureReading { CelciusReading = 9.99 }
Key = "two",
Value = new TemperatureReading { CelciusReading = 23 }
Turns out there is a library released under the MIT license called YamlSerializer.